cabinet incubator incubating too high


7 Years
Apr 18, 2012
Wilmington, CA
I bought a Science Teaching Incubator from Lab-line industries and it seemed to be working well until I put some test eggs in and the temperature went to 115 degrees. I can't seem to control the temperature now, no matter what I do. I'm wondering if I can put the heating unit of my Hova-bator in the cabinet and have it work that way. It's a small desktop cabinet.
i have made my own cabnet incubator out of a food warming cabnit i can get about 400 eggs in it and iam going to get a better thermostat cause the mercury type i have is swinging to mutch.

this is about the cheapest one i have found if u know of a big company in your area just tell them its for them and u will pay cash and the price is about 20% cheaper

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