In the Brooder
Hello All, Cackle Hatchery comes up a lot when you search hatcheries. I was skeptical about using them but I am glad I did. I recently purchased 25 chicks from them after looking around for over a year at different hatcheries. The price was reasonable considering I had been paying 20 dollars for laying hens who come from the same hatchery. I have fell in love with Buff Orpington Hens. THey are gentle and beautiful and they lay big eggs. ALso they actually sit on eggs my rhode island reds not so much. I ordered on Tuesday they shipped on Wednesday I got them on Friday fast shipping. One had died in route sadly so I called to tell them one died. They said count your chicks we sent an extra one in case one died. After much difficulty counting the birds ( I gave them sugar water so they were moving quite fast) I found I have 25 birds. YAY!!!! That was almost two weeks ago I still have 25 healthy birds who run around eat, sleep, and poop daily. No pasty butts or any health problems. I was so great I ordered another 25 who will arrive on Friday. I am very happy knock on wood none die. I am excited to put them outside. Predators have not been a big problem in the past also two years. I have lost one hen to something and two died in their cages. But the rest have been fine. I have only found two snakes in my cages, which may have been the same one. But no hens or roosters died from it only lost a few eggs.
Excited about the birds coming hope this helps someone. CHoose Cackle you will thank your self.
Excited about the birds coming hope this helps someone. CHoose Cackle you will thank your self.