Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

Received mine this morning! So far, after multiple attempts at counting, I have over 40 chicks. There are also two goslings and one turkey. Only one DOA, which I thought to be pretty good since it was a completely packed box and traveled for two days. As for the chicks, it seems I have quite a few of the Cinnamon Queens and a couple Bantams. No clue on the rest! I will post some pictures this evening when I have more time. I did ask for more turkeys and no ducks (I know they just put whatever in there) which was somewhat granted as I have no ducks. I also asked for more of a cold hardy chick since I am in Alaska. Time to get the magazine out and identify!


I possibly have 50 birds in this package, btw.
Alright! Dust has settled and while we have lost five chicks so far, I still have 49 chicks, two waterfowl and one turkey. I have identified a few but have no clue on the rest.

So far I have-

2 Golden Laced Polish
1 White Polish
1 Mottled Houdan
1 Welsh Harlequin
1 Embden

Here are pictures of the others if you guys could help with the identifying.Thanks!

It seems I have a few leghorns in the batch as well. Thanks everyone!
The black chicks with the eyeliner usually are black Austalorps.
Waiting impatiently as my Surprise Box will be shipped out on Wednesday......
Cackle Hatchery's Hatchery Special costs $60.95 now
. When I started reading the thread I got excited for the $40 I was going to buy it but now Im not going to take the gamble :(

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