Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

Flockmomma, I love the individual shots! Sorry about the one you lost though
I have lost a total of four, with two others not looking so hot. I am really not happy about the condition that box arrived in, as I am sure that has stressed some of them big time. The golden laced polish, two small yellow chicks, and a black and white chick died.

On the upside, the chicks and turkeys are getting along fine. Last night they got fed a good amount of boiled eggs (after sugar water only for a few hours), and I gave them more this morning to increase their appetite. They went crazy for it.

And so much for boisecurity. My cross beaked Easter Egger pullet, Lucy, will follow my kids into the garage where we are keeping the newbies. She is almost a lap chicken. Twice I had to knock her off the edge of the container with the babies. She wants us to hand feed her. The kids keep leaving the door open, and I have to open the big door to vent the garage for the chicks during the day anyway.
I think we a done with the stress-related deaths. Everyone is running around and acting healthy. Six total died. Not particularly happy with the postal system right now. I realize some deaths are likely to happen, but really, the rough ride they got was not good for them.
Sorry about your losses flockmomma. I would be upset with the postal service as well. Did cackle respond to your box having one compartment empty? I would think a few got out and the postal service is keeping it quite. I don't think you can not miss seeing lose chicks or sadly dead chicks in the cargo area of the shipping area. I am glad the remaining are doing well. I hope you can get to the bottom of everything.
Supposedly the P.O. wants to charge more for shipping chicks but they are not saying they are going to do a better job than they currently are doing. So sorry this happened to you. Hope you hear from Cackle soon. I've heard mostly good things about Cackle.

I'll post pics later. I emailed Cackle about the damaged box, and told them I had one DOA and two that are not looking so hot (I'd be shocked if the golden laced Polish and one of my little yellow chicks pulls through tonight). There were spots chicks could have gotten out, and one section had no chicks in it at all. Not sure if that was how they packed them or not, but this box may explain if I get some stressed out babies.

Still, so far they are doing okay.

Did Cackle ever get back to you about one of the compartments being empty? And sweet lord, I gasped and shuddered upon seeing the box. Poor things! They were probably tossed around and not strapped in properly at all.

Darn you PO!

In other news -- unable to order their hatchery surprise since I have no money and we just finished building our small coop. (That and I'm still a younging, so everything must be approved by the rents.) Congrats to everyone who has gotten it though! Cackle seems to actually give you a variety unlike some of the other hatcheries I've read about.
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