Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

I am otty sure your 5 and 6 are Lakenvelders. That is the only ones I could find in their catalog with the potential for crazy spotting on the heads. As far as the feather footed ones, what about Brahmas?
The feathered feet could not be buff brahmas from the pictures on cackle, I have two that could be light brahmas, and then five that I think are buff cochins.
As for a different special I don't know, they still have this mystery up for 55 and couple of others which are 15 for 27 dollars or something one is for pullets, and 15 red broilers for 29.
im thinking about getting this in about October or begging of November i live in ohio do you think I'll get a good assortment at the that time of year and do u think most will live thro the shipping. i live in ohio
Chicken Farmer, do they even hatch them out then? I was under the impression that they hatch through September. Yep, checked their website, they hatch through September. February through September per their website.

Btw, all 40 are thriving.2 Lakenvelders,2 Spitzhaubens, 2 Cochins, 2 Wyandottes, 3 Brahmas, 3 Turkeys, 1 Cackle Red Broiler, 3 Buff Orphingtons, 3 Barred Rocks, 3 Polish (1 black, 2 blue), 2 Hamburgs, 6 Easter Eggers, 1 White Plymouth Rock, 2 Jersey Giants/Australorp, 3 White Leghorns/rocks, 1 Tiny (no idea what it is, the tiniest of my flock), 1 buff colored chick that has some off colored feathers, so no idea.
im thinking about getting this in about October or begging of November i live in ohio do you think I'll get a good assortment at the that time of year and do u think most will live thro the shipping. i live in ohio
They will be closed then. I know people who find out exactly when they will be closing for the year. They go in and get a bunch of chicks at bargain prices.

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