Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

I so wish I could justify another surprise...... Ah well maybe later this year after I finish cutting back my polish. Lol it's not like I don't have chicks in my bathroom right now as I just got 4sizzles and 4 marans locally.
I have to justify the arcauna roo I just went and picked locally today. ;)
My surprise arrived!

Long story, but thought I would share (feel free to skip to the bottom if you just want to chat about the chickies!

I got my tracking number late Monday, so I sent USPS a message through their online portal asking them to confirm shipment and to give me a call when it arrives at my local post office. Of course, even though the website says I would get a response in 24 hours or less, no response came. I got anxious, so I called the national number for USPS on Tuesday. They took my information and said they left a note for me to be called when it arrived at my local post office. I then tried to find the number of my local post office (these are literally no where to be found online), so I called the bigger regional post office. This took quite a while since they don't seem to have a call queue service, I just kept getting busy signals, hanging up, and then dialing again. Finally I got through, talked to a lady who thought I said "daily magazine" instead of "baby chickens," until I had to spell out the words for her. Anyway, she said the chicks would be routed to their post office and not my local one and that she will leave a note for someone to call me to pick up the order (because, of course, the note that was supposed to be placed with the package in my previous calls were never done). I kept checking on my package online, but USPS tracking does not to update at all from when it left MO. (The only tracking USPS did was "left MO" and then "delivered" with nothing in between). This morning came, and everyone has said they received their chicks on Wednesday. 8am passed then 9am passed, and I've tried to call the post office at least 20 times by this point (only to get the same busy signal). Finally, I decided I would drive to the post office and speak to a real live person (and the regional post office was only about 20 minutes away). I kept calling while on the road, and about 5 minutes from the post office I finally got through, the lady said she would check to see if they had the package and would call me back. She called me back, they had the package and I walked in and picked them up. Overall, a little frustrated dealing with USPS, but I'm glad all my baby chicks made it safe and sound.

Now onto the chicks!

All the chicks made it, and they were chirping quite loudly in their shipping box. I was in a bit of a rush this morning, because I had to get to work, so I didn't have time to do everything I wanted, take an accurate headcount/figure out all the types/etc, (but I did quickly dip each one of their beaks into the water). Some of them drank some water and hung around the fount, others took a few sips and ran to the food. They all seemed to be pretty okay, moving around (some even running), drinking water (of course some had to step in the water and I had to dry their feeties), pecking at different things, eating.

However, one or two drank some water and then just stood very still. I don't know if I should be overly concerned at this point? I mean they made it alive, so the hard part is over, right? When I picked them up, they seemed alert (eyes open), they just weren't too flighty/excited. I hope they're okay, I picked them up and put them in the warmest sport of the brooder, (I figured they might have been a little cold).

I know that I received at least 50 chicks, but not more than 60. Protip: count the chicks as you take them out of the box, because after their in the brooder I couldn't keep count since they were running every which way. I didn't get any ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas, etc...only chicks. (I'm actually happy that I only received chicks, I would have been happy just getting 40 actually haha, because space is limited for me in my yard).

I requested Turkens, EEs, Silkies and Top Hats. I know I didn't get any Turkents, and I'm pretty sure I didn't get any Silkies. I'm not sure if I got any EEs (maybe you guys can help me identify some), but I did get a variety of top hats. I got at a few varieties of chochins (silver laced, buff and white at least, I believe), and at least 14 polish (silver laced, white crested, either white or buff and some golden laced). I think I got some brown leghorns, austra whites, black australorps, and silver laced wyandotte.

I don't know if I got any bantams. Are bantams considerably smaller in size than regular large fowl chicks? (There was some variation in sizing, but they all looked about the same to me--although one buff cochin looked like a super fatty to me).

If anyone spots some EEs in the mix, please let me know. I was really hoping to get a few EE pullets so I could get colorful eggs.

Some of the chicks had grayish/slate colored legs, I don't know if that helps in identifying them. I didn't have time to look at their combs or count their toes just yet. Better pictures will come over the weekend.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this thread for being so generous with their time and kind in their words. My friends would never understand why I would want to buy chickens, so you guys have really been my resource in all things chicks and my outlet to talk about chickens. (I guess I can start talking to my chickens, but there's a line of crazy we shouldn't cross, haha).

Thank you again!

Here is an album of the pictures I have so far:









9 (This is a picture of the chick that drank some water and then stopped moving, does he look okay? Any thing I should try with him?).

TL;DR Version:
All chicks arrived safe and sound. About 50-60 chicks (chickens only, no waterfowl, no turkeys, etc). A good mix, including polish and cochins. Please help me identify the rest! Better pictures to come over the weekend.
My surprise arrived!  

Long story, but thought I would share (feel free to skip to the bottom if you just want to chat about the chickies!

I got my tracking number late Monday, so I sent USPS a message through their online portal asking them to confirm shipment and to give me a call when it arrives at my local post office.  Of course, even though the website says I would get a response in 24 hours or less, no response came.  I got anxious, so I called the national number for USPS on Tuesday.  They took my information and said they left a note for me to be called when it arrived at my local post office.  I then tried to find the number of my local post office (these are literally no where to be found online), so I called the bigger regional post office.  This took quite a while since they don't seem to have a call queue service, I just kept getting busy signals, hanging up, and then dialing again.  Finally I got through, talked to a lady who thought I said "daily magazine" instead of "baby chickens," until I had to spell out the words for her.  Anyway, she said the chicks would be routed to their post office and not my local one and that she will leave a note for someone to call me to pick up the order (because, of course, the note that was supposed to be placed with the package in my previous calls were never done).  I kept checking on my package online, but USPS tracking does not to update at all from when it left MO.  (The only tracking USPS did was "left MO" and then "delivered" with nothing in between).  This morning came, and everyone has said they received their chicks on Wednesday.  8am passed then 9am passed, and I've tried to call the post office at least 20 times by this point (only to get the same busy signal).  Finally, I decided I would drive to the post office and speak to a real live person (and the regional post office was only about 20 minutes away).  I kept calling while on the road, and about 5 minutes from the post office I finally got through, the lady said she would check to see if they had the package and would call me back.  She called me back, they had the package and I walked in and picked them up.  Overall, a little frustrated dealing with USPS, but I'm glad all my baby chicks made it safe and sound.

Now onto the chicks!

All the chicks made it, and they were chirping quite loudly in their shipping box.  I was in a bit of a rush this morning, because I had to get to work, so I didn't have time to do everything I wanted, take an accurate headcount/figure out all the types/etc, (but I did quickly dip each one of their beaks into the water).  Some of them drank some water and hung around the fount, others took a few sips and ran to the food.  They all seemed to be pretty okay, moving around (some even running), drinking water (of course some had to step in the water and I had to dry their feeties), pecking at different things, eating.  

However, one or two drank some water and then just stood very still.  I don't know if I should be overly concerned at this point?  I mean they made it alive, so the hard part is over, right?  When I picked them up, they seemed alert (eyes open), they just weren't too flighty/excited.  I hope they're okay, I picked them up and put them in the warmest sport of the brooder, (I figured they might have been a little cold).  

I know that I received at least 50 chicks, but not more than 60.  Protip: count the chicks as you take them out of the box, because after their in the brooder I couldn't keep count since they were running every which way.  I didn't get any ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas, etc...only chicks.  (I'm actually happy that I only received chicks, I would have been happy just getting 40 actually haha, because space is limited for me in my yard).

I requested Turkens, EEs, Silkies and Top Hats.  I know I didn't get any Turkents, and I'm pretty sure I didn't get any Silkies.  I'm not sure if I got any EEs (maybe you guys can help me identify some), but I did get a variety of top hats.  I got at a few varieties of chochins (silver laced, buff and white at least, I believe), and at least 14 polish (silver laced, white crested, either white or buff and some golden laced).  I think I got some brown leghorns, austra whites, black australorps, and silver laced wyandotte.  

I don't know if I got any bantams.  Are bantams considerably smaller in size than regular large fowl chicks?  (There was some variation in sizing, but they all looked about the same to me--although one buff cochin looked like a super fatty to me).   

If anyone spots some EEs in the mix, please let me know.  I was really hoping to get a few EE pullets so I could get colorful eggs.

Some of the chicks had grayish/slate colored legs, I don't know if that helps in identifying them.  I didn't have time to look at their combs or count their toes just yet.  Better pictures will come over the weekend.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this thread for being so generous with their time and kind in their words.  My friends would never understand why I would want to buy chickens, so you guys have really been my resource in all things chicks and my outlet to talk about chickens.  (I guess I can start talking to my chickens, but there's a line of crazy we shouldn't cross, haha).

Thank you again!   

Here is an album of the pictures I have so far:









9  (This is a picture of the chick that drank some water and then stopped moving, does he look okay?  Any thing I should try with him?).  

TL;DR Version:
All chicks arrived safe and sound.  About 50-60 chicks (chickens only, no waterfowl, no turkeys, etc).  A good mix, including polish and cochins.  Please help me identify the rest!  Better pictures to come over the weekend.

Yes I see at least one EE ( they have fluffy cheeks and look like their smiling) you ave at least one splash polish. Its the one that's mostly yellow with a light black back. The last one may just be in shock/ stress from shipping. Just watch them and they should be good. I did lose two within the first 2 days but they were a breed that's not to hardy as babies. Good luck and post plenty of pics and if you have a lot of the same ad I got I may be able to help you with the breeds.
Anyone ever get bantams? In their suprise?
I did in my first one (March). I got nearly 20, I think. My last two (May and June) I did not get any.

Oh, I had mentioned before that I thought I got 3 meat birds in my last one... nope. I was wrong. They were just fluffy is all. Sure looked like my other meat birds, but they are the same size as the others, so I think they are just white chickens.
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Hi! This is a follow up to my post from 7/9 chick arrival (shipped 7/7). I've taken pictures of all of them (sorted by common characteristics) and I was hoping you guys could help me identify them! I got a total of 55 chicks! Thank you in advance for your help.


I think these are Silver Laced Polish. I got 13 of them!


I think these are White Crested Black Polish, I got 6 of them.


I only got one of these yellow top hats.


I received an assortment of 13 furry legged chicks, I think they're Cochins.


I have no idea what these are, got 3 of them, they are mostly yellow, but they all have a black spot on their back.


I have no idea what these are either, but they're light colored tan on the sides with a brown back/head. They also do not have a beard/furry legs/hat. Got 3 of them.


Got three of these that are mostly black, but have a bit of yellow on their heads/tummies.


Got three of these chipmunk looking ones, not sure what they are.


Got two of these that are yellow and black, with what looks like black on their beaks and black eyeliner. They have clean legs, but the legs do have some black coloring on the skin. Not sure what they are either.


I think these three are Easter Eggers, they have beards.


These two are just yellow.


These two have some yellow with gray shading on them.


This is my last one, he's a bit of a dirty gray/yellow color, but he has a beard. So possibly an EE also?

Any help identifying them would be greatly appreciated! I don't believe any of them are bantams (but if you think there might be some, please let me know also). Thank you again all so much for all your time, help, counseling, etc haha while I've been on this Cackle Surprise adventure.
The black ones with the yellow dots are either Dominiques or Barred Rocks. The white ones with gray on their backs are either Light Brahmas or Columbian Wyanaddotes.
The chipmunks could be Brown Leghorns.

The white with the spot may be Austra Whites.
The black ones with the yellow dots are either Dominiques or Barred Rocks. The white ones with gray on their backs are either Light Brahmas or Columbian Wyanaddotes.
The chipmunks could be Brown Leghorns.

The white with the spot may be Austra Whites.

X2 your yellow top hat could be a splash I see some dark spots on her, your 2 black and white are astrolopes ( spelling), the astra whites are right. With mine I got 1 Dom. And 4 barred rock. Oh I'm also getting closer to knowing how many roos it looks like only a possible 5 out of 46.

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