Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

OH my what fun that package would be. I think my DH would have an actual heart attack. I am sure I cannot have some of what may be sent since I live in town.
I wonder if I could sell the roos and guinneas as well as turkeys on craigs before they got old enough for my cranky neighbor to call the law on me.

LOL I think I will go ahead and ask DH his thoughts on it.

lol sounds funny. any answers from your DH?
I can't wait to order I think I will next week. Does anyone know if there is any kind of wait on the surprise box because I know they are busy this time of the year but I really want my box in March or earlier.
From what I know it is the ones not sold as a specific breed or that hatched better than expected.

(Sounds better than calling them the leftovers)
Hi you can get 25 pullets layers from rural king for under 50 bucks I got light brahma, silver wyandottes, buff orpington, and wellsummers! shipping was 7 dollars and taxes 3.00 they use Townline Hatchery from Zeeland Michigan. They send extras too

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