Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

There is hope. I had Toulouse geese and they would lay in the barn in the dead of winter. We had a spell of bad weather and I herded everyone into the barn while it was -4 out for the high with whipping winds. 2 weeks later she had a clutch of 8 eggs she was sitting on. (I did not let her keep them since it was dead of winter and I did NOT want dead babies.)
She would also lay in August as well.
lol thanks. This was my first spring with them and they are a two year old pair so I was so excited for eggs and when she started laying. I knew the first few probably weren't fertile and planned to start picking up for my incubator on the 5th egg but she stopped at 4 and started to molt ! Ugh! lol
Ok so help identifying would be great! In in the first picture I don't know if they are white rocks or white jersey giants. They were smokey colored but still not dark when I received them. The one up front has more black than the rest though.
In the second picture, is that a sex link?
And the third picture is a bantam chipmunk...
Thanks for the help!


The ones in the back that are white look like white rocks to me.
The one in the front with some black on the wings and tail could be a young delaware.
Middle pic looks to be a production red perhaps.
Not sure on the chipmunk one.
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My surprise is almost 4 weeks old now and I am starting to be able to identify more of the birds.

Just waiting to see how many boys vs. girls I ended up with...

I'm seriously thinking about ordering again! haha
Well I went on a Fourth of July trip with my family. Came back to find a snake has snacked on 38 biddies... Needless to say I'm ****** and just ordered another batch.
I got my surprise box yesterday... Such a box full of cuties. 3 turkeys, 4 guineas, 3 bantams, the rest chicks. All sorts of breeds, Easter eggers, cochins, barred rock, buff orph to name a few
OK so I know many people wanted ducks in the assortment and did not get them.......
Ideal has a special right now for hatchery choice ducklings that if you buy 20+ they are only 1.15 each. Just thought I would toss that out there if anyone is still trying for ducklings.
Many other birds on sale as well like silkies for 1.10 straight run of course.

So many to choose from
system overload for me lol.

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