Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

I think it is a buttercup and I think I have a few houdans I think the ducks are welsh harliquinand the turkeys most favor the narragansett. Are these good breeds anything you guys could tell me about them?

Congrats!! Now you know we want to see pics!!!
Congratulations- You old chicken farmer you!! - The little two fuzz balls look like ducks to me and maybe the feather legged is some kind of cochin. Did they send you bantams or Large fowl chicks? The little stripey headed one I don't know but maybe it is a buttercup like the other poster said. what in the world are you gonna do with all them birds???
It's a good deal they sent you so many turkeys- Turkeys are expensive to buy , even as day olds!! Now all you need is guineas and I know this lady ---------------- Well I'll wait to entice you some more!!

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And of course post some mo pics!!
Go to - He has lots of pics of breeds and lots of baby chick pics too. Maybe it will help you id some of them. He also has pages on turkeys and ducks and geese and other birds too.
I relooked at the emailed, I guess they'll be shipping the ships out MAY 5th! I guess in all the excitment I overlooked the date or something about though April 4th..

Oh well, bit cold out still.
Last year we ordered the Cackle Surprise and we were certainly happy with our delivery. There were 36 chicks, majority were Polish and Cochins, two Turkeys, two Ducks and two Guineas! Only lost one Guinea. Will definately order again in the future. Well worth the costs and it was so exciting waiting to see what you get!
My Hatchery Surprise came today! I got 29 chicks, 2 rouen ducklings and 1 white turkey poults. I know what a few of the chicks breeds are but most of them are a mystery. I can't wait to see what they grow up to be!

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