Calcium Deposits on Turkey Egg


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
May 16, 2023
East Coast and LA
My Narragansett turkey (1 year old) has been laying eggs with large calcium deposits on them for a few weeks. One egg also recently had some blood stains. She eats Kalmbach All Flock Maintainer. I have not actually seen her straining to lay, but the process does take several hours. I can take a picture of the egg if it would help. Are the calcium deposits normal or do I need to do something?
Hello my friend!
One of my hens lays eggs that most of the time have blood ( one of them the whole egg white was red with blood) I hope someone that knows more can help you.
like I said one of mine had this problem for awhile.
yeah a picture might help, and I'll let you know if it looks like mine.

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