Calcium Overdose

Wazine (piperazine) gets only roundworms and it's not as safe as fenbendazole (Safeguard or Panacur) according to what's in Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook.

I have given you these two links with the hopes it will help you. I don't believe your birds died from calcium over dose. That would take a long time and have a lot more symptoms if it were possible from what you were offering. I think what is going through your flock is a lot more involved than that. The first link is for testing for Marek's. I urge you to look into this. Even if your other birds are not showing symptoms, it doesn't mean it isn't there. I would also ask that you think as if it is and take any and all precautions to protect other's birds when you leave your home. Having Marek's in my own flock, I can tell you honestly, that symptoms are sometimes not text book and you have mentioned a couple that have given me pause.

The next link is to a site where some of the other diseases, that birds can get that will also show paralysis, can be seen. Please read through the links. Even if they are not showing symptoms now, they have been exposed to something and it can come back later on. If the symptoms match or are close to any of these, get your birds onto an antibiotic now, even with no signs of sickness. The sneeze is your clue, it might be all you get until you see more deaths. Chickens do not get colds like we do, they get diseases that stay with them for their life time. These things can shed even if the birds are not showing symptoms and are readily 'shared' if the proper care isn't taken with biosecurity measures.
I thought I should mention that I don't think parasites are the problem, but a bird that is free of them will have a better chance of fighting off whatever is going through your flock.

Thanks everyone for the help and advice it was all very helpful. We are going through a heat wave so once things cool down a little bit i will begin a broad spectrum antibiotic to eliminate the possibility of this being a bacterial problem. Something i was thinking last night was that I do use hay for bedding and it may be possible that aspergillus is to blame. Thanks again to everyone who helped.
I will try to remember to post anything that happens.

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