Calculating feed amount for "pastured" turkeys


7 Years
Mar 19, 2012
I'm in the processing of putting together a business plan for a seasonal pastured turkey operation. The one last piece of info I'm working on is figuring out how much feed I would need for pastured broad-breasted white turkeys. Meyer Hatchery has a chart that shows how much feed a tom or hen needs per week of life. But I'm hoping I would need less feed since they will be on pasture once they are out of the brooder. If anyone has any experience with this or knows of some resources that would help in the calculations I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,
I am afraid I am not any help. My turkeys are only penned 2 times a year the rest of the time they all free range together and they eat allot either way.

I know there are some old threads in this section on raising turkeys for meat but I am not very good at finding that info and posting the links.

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