Calgary, AB Canada


13 Years
Apr 13, 2011
Fox Valley, IL
My Coop
My Coop
Calgary upheld its ban on backyard chickens.

A friend is on the city council of a town near me in Illinois. They legalized backyard chickens a year ago (maximum 8 or 9 hens, no roosters, a few other logical restrictions on coop size, cleanliness, etc..). He said in retrospect it was a huge embarrassment for the city that it was even challenged. The opposition was raising hysterical fears that the town would be destroyed by this horrid infestation, people were screaming and freaking out, and it was a huge ado about nothing. In a town of 26,000, there have been 6 requests for permits, all issued, and not a single complaint. Huge ado about nothing.

In the 21st century we need to go green, sustainable, self sufficient, and places like Calgary are fighting against a logical future.
On the other hand, society has given over to giving in to anyone who makes a big deal of anything.

The whiners have gotten used to having their way. Unfortunately, the level-headed among us seem to be fading away.

There is a rumour that council is looking to review the ability for calgarians to have backyard seems potential change is coming..let's keep our fingers crossed ..:D

If you live in Calgary Id start by talking to your Alderman...A few of the city councillors had actually toured some of the 'illegal' chicken locations...sounds like they were pleasantly surprised with what they saw and also not happy about the misinformation they were given when the bylaw was drafted.....

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