I callibrated a brand new accurite thermometer yesterday.......said humidity was 47%. I have three springfield thermometers already. When I calibrated them, two said 77% and one said 65%, but when I put them in the incubator, they all read within 2 or 3 % of each other. What is the deal? I could really use some advice. My last hatch did not hatch at all. Out of 4 silkie eggs that went on lockdown, only one pipped and it died. One was a very early quitter. One was developed but very small and the other one was developed but the air cell was HUGE, it took up about 1/3 of the egg. The yolk was also very thick. I have 16 silkie eggs on the way and really would like some to make it. I could sure use some advice. If they don't hatch again, I think I'm gonna give up on incubating. I didn't have these issues on the first batch of silkies that I hatched nor on the batch of duck eggs. Thanks, Shannon