Calibrated BRAND NEW accurite...guess what it said???


10 Years
May 15, 2009
Lake Charles, LA
I callibrated a brand new accurite thermometer yesterday.......said humidity was 47%. I have three springfield thermometers already. When I calibrated them, two said 77% and one said 65%, but when I put them in the incubator, they all read within 2 or 3 % of each other. What is the deal? I could really use some advice. My last hatch did not hatch at all. Out of 4 silkie eggs that went on lockdown, only one pipped and it died. One was a very early quitter. One was developed but very small and the other one was developed but the air cell was HUGE, it took up about 1/3 of the egg. The yolk was also very thick. I have 16 silkie eggs on the way and really would like some to make it. I could sure use some advice. If they don't hatch again, I think I'm gonna give up on incubating. I didn't have these issues on the first batch of silkies that I hatched nor on the batch of duck eggs. Thanks, Shannon
OK, what is an accurite thermometer, a glass and red one, if it is you could buy 50 of them and none will read the same, or is it a non-incubator thermometer. if its an incubator thermometer and it read wrong I'd take it back

I use this:


I replace the battries every year just to be safe, I just had a hatch of 60 + and only 3 developed eggs didn't hatch
It's a digital one. I've heard alot of people mention them on this forum, so I went to Lowes yesterday and got one. Paid $20 for it, you would think it would be more accurite. I'm gonna take it back. Where did you get yours? I like it!!
Hey Carolyn....what do you keep your humidity at for your silkies? I kept mine at about 50% the first time and my hatch was good. I had ALOT of trouble with humidity this time., it kept dropping into the 30% range and the one that pipped had a very dry membrane.
I must have gotten good ones as I have never had a problem with them not being right on target temp. I have never calibrated mine either.
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