calibrating for humidity


10 Years
Feb 27, 2009
Ok, read some posts on here about how to calibrate my hydrometer, but now I am not sure if I did it right.
I put a small amount of salt and water into a ziploc bag until it made a paste. Then I put the hydrometer in the bag without getting it into the water or salt (it is electronic, and I did not wish to ruin it). I left it overnight.
Is this correct? Or was I supposed to put it actually in the water and salt solution.
According to this my reading was about 10% low (it read 65% after being in the bag overnight)
I am leaning towards my calibration being correct, as even when I get my bator so moist that water droplets start forming in the top, it still reads at only about 75%
I am also trying to figure out humidity rates for my incubator. Just read post after post about dry vs wet incubation and am still confused. I live in a very arrid climate, so normal humidity in the room is reading at about 25%. (which would be 35% if my calibration is right) Also am at a relatively high elevation. Do these two factors effect what humidity I should have in my bator??
Here's the site that I followed to calibrate my hygrometer. It does have exact measurements for the water and salt.
But I do look at my house and bator being two separate "micro climates"
During the winter our house is very dry because it's cold outside and we heat with wood.
I live at 2500ft which isn't exactly high,
I don't know if altitude figures into it or not.
I incubate days 1-17 at 40-50% humidity and days 18 on at 60-70% and have good luck.
Everyone has a humidity setting that works for them and you will hear different settings.
Experiment and find out works best for you and your area.
Stupid question...
1. What is the humidity percentage during the different phases of hatching chicken eggs? We are about 1600m above sea level and situated in an area where night temp drop to about 14 deg Celsius in summer and -5 in winter. Day temperatures range from 26 - 34 deg Celsius in summer and 8-24 deg Celsius in winter. O the winters is dry with no rain and the average humidity percentage for winter in our region is about 10 -15%. Summer may go as high as 80% but normally range between 30-60%.
2. The "hatching temperature" for chicken eggs and must it kept very accurate at all times or is it all right if there is a degree variance?
3. What is a good average temp for your brooding box for chicks between 2-8 weeks old. My brooding box temp is about 25 deg celcius and my chicks seems to be quite happy. They do not clump together or hide away from the heat source?
4. I assume it is a definite no no to open the hatchery?

Thanks Albert:jumpy

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