Calico Cochin Thread

They were both gorgous boys Lynne!!! Are your 2 new calico boys carrying the type you want?
They are young but so far
they look like they might mature to look great. Time will tell .....
Unfortunately, both are deceased. But I was able to hatch chicks from them so fingers crossed :)

I know at one point you said the hen that i really liked of yours was in with Manolete (she had more white in her base but her colors were very rich and vibrant) I'd love to see how those offspring turned out as she was such a lovely girl for your handsome boy
Mike, I hav 2 boys (6 months) coming along that are really what you would consider Calico.

This is Manolete & Boots

Absolutely gorgeous boys! I don't think my boy is going to be that nice...but you never know, I suppose! Thanks for posting pictures! I am headed to the coop to take some of my flock now! :) Better bundle up though!
You know I hate it for you that you lost Manolete, I didn't know about Boots - glad you have some offspring out of him too. Can't wait to see pics of your upcoming boys!

LOL Mike

- Joker is 4 1/2 months in that pic.
Haven't named the little guy yet. He's a son of Scotty and Dorothy, so you would think he'd tend more towards Mille Fleur, but so far - at this stage - he looks like he may stay calico.
I have him and a pullet out of that pairing, before I moved them both into a pen with more hens and Dorothy went broody. The pullet looks very similar to him (maybe a little more color,) just the girl version!
Here are some of my calicos from this morning. Most of them are 6 months old. The person I got the girls from had a tail-eater, so their tails are just starting to grow back in! LOL


Darla and Brie

Tess is hatching a clutch of 13 MF/Calico eggs in there!!

Zoe is hatching 9 Orlandsk Dwarf eggs for us!

Brie and Darla (again)

Brie, Annabeth, and Smudge's butt!

Darla (again)

This is Smudge...he is my best Calico rooster so far...6 months old.

Smudge side view - what do you think??

Tillie is laying an egg this morning! :)

This is one of my 6 month boys...Truffle. He is to MF for my liking, so he will be sold along with some of the other roosters not pictured.

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