California-Inland Empire

Anyone sell pure breed hatching eggs I could take a bunch off of you :D
Made a homemade incubator so I have a bunch of space for eggs.
Hey... Are you charging for this service? Or would you be willing to keep half of the hatched for yourself as payment?

I have some Rhode Island Red eggs. And some game fowl eggs.
Uhm, no. Every flock owner is not capable of managing roosters, many cannot have them because of regulations.

Yeah breaking the law is definitely not advised.

I found that roosters manage flocks well, and keep hen fighting to minimum, while protecting flock with alerts and calls. Also they are sooo beautiful and they add a whole new dynamic to flock behavior that is just awesome to watch. And you get baby chicks and get to watch mama care for them

I just love roosters so I have bias. No offense to anyone.
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Yeah breaking the law is definitely not advised.

I found that roosters manage flocks well, and keep hen fighting to minimum, while protecting flock with alerts and calls. Also they are sooo beautiful and they add a whole new dynamic to flock behavior that is just awesome to watch. And you get baby chicks and get to watch mama care for them

I just love roosters so I have bias. No offense to anyone.
I love Roosters too that's why I have several
Depends how many you want to incubate ;D I can hold a maximum of 144 chicken eggs so Depends on how many you want to hatch
I made mine with its staying between 99.5 and 100 degrees and constant 47 percent - 50 percent humidity
144 chicken egg capacity and 360 quail egg capacity
you made me giggle JShubin, A ROOSTER???
try more like 17 OOOPS
yeah I have about that many also ... I have a hoarding problem lol

...on the subject of roosters, I have a general rooster question....I have one, in a flock of 8. He's young, he was born mid-Sept, to early Oct. He looks almost full sized, and he hasn't crowed a peep! Seems the previous ones I had were crowing long before this age...Am I safe? Is he likely to never start crowing?
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