California - Northern


I checked out the Brinsea 30 advance and did not see and adjusting knobs. I did see some pins for a connector--my guess is that it uses a programmable chip that they connect to and calibrate the temperature and humidity.
Woo Hoo!!! 4 Indian Runner ducks out and many more pipped! Just one Guinea out but more piped.. All of the BCM chicks hatched except the one that was either clear or a very early quitter....including the one that had some pretty major cracks early on from getting stepped on. I had put nail topcoat on it and put it back under the broody and it did great!
Could it be a Silver Laced Orphington bantam? I found this picture from the Moore Estates Co in the UK that looks similar. Everyhing else that comes up as a silver laced bantam is a Wyandotte, Polish or Seabrights. More info here...

No, because it's skinny, and "sleek". I know most Orps a super fluffy. It's not a polish because it doesn't have head feathers. It's weird that I haven't been able to find anything like it. All of the Game Birds don't come in that color. It's can't be a "project" because it came from a hatchery.
go figure. we are getting heavy snow. not sticking here. just up the road it is . i thought winter was over


Yup, marshmallow roasting will have to wait till next week for us !
Did you guys hear about the Purina recall?

Probablt not an issue for most of us, but maybe those near Oregon?

Sorry if you did, I'm a little slow, lol.


The Carson feed store quit carrying it a while back saying there were too many return because of the quality going downhill. I've been having fun lacto fermenting grains for them in the kitchen. The feed is going sooooo much farther and I can add garlic and cayenne in.
That's pretty scary!    We have bears in the general area pretty regularly...along with mountain lions.....but never that close to where I live.  There are tails of wild pig living in the canyone at the end of our road and them occaisionally wandering up the street.

Very cute!  Don't Seabrights have  rose combs?  I can't tell for sure but that one looks like s single comb.

Yes, they have rose combs and Walter's is straight.  He also doesn't have the same bright lacing or eye color.  I'm thinking maybe some sort of bantam game bird, but I can't find any silver laced gamebirds.

I have a Silver Laced OEGB hen.


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