California - Northern

ugh rain here all day. was out all day and by the time i got home there was atleast an inch of rain that leaked into the coop today. so on i donned by rubber chook boots and went out,cleaned out the soaked muddy covered hay and replaced it then just about plastic wrapped the coop. the water came through the window which now has plastic over it and theres plastic infront of the door to keep it from blowing rain in. ugh the problems of older coops x~x
ugh rain here all day. was out all day and by the time i got home there was atleast an inch of rain that leaked into the coop today. so on i donned by rubber chook boots and went out,cleaned out the soaked muddy covered hay and replaced it then just about plastic wrapped the coop. the water came through the window which now has plastic over it and theres plastic infront of the door to keep it from blowing rain in. ugh the problems of older coops x~x

Just remember to leave ventilation near the top, I just had to tarp up everything tight the other day myself.
okay so i was looking on ideal (where i originally wanted to order birds from) but it looks that my order may not ship till april or so. does anyone know any other hatcheries that carry these birds and arent expensive as heck?
I do NOT have a leaky coop, thanks to my winterizing with tarps. It isn't beautiful, but the coop is dry. It either scared the birds into quitting laying, or it made it just that bit darker that it triggered quitting time in them, but either way, I'd rather have a dry coop and no eggs than deal with the water problems!
it isn't just OLDER coops! i have a brand new situation here and i have to put up tarps on one end of the pen for sure. not using the baby pen now but that is completely covered by tarps so it does not get too wet and mold! i am glad for the breaks in the storms them a chance to run about every few days at least! hang in there.....i was thinking of making storm window type things like they do in the tropics for hurricanes! LOL
Heh. My coop is all of 18 months old. And it's my first one. And while I knew which direction the rain mostly comes from, I failed to consider that a roof ending a mere inch out from the wall was entirely insufficient to keep rain out of my enormous windows. I think I have 24 sq. feet of mesh covered window openings on a 6 x 6 ft coop..... And now the run frame blocks one side of the coop wall where a window is, so it's going to be really ugly once I figure out HOW the heck to do it. It will be easy on the other side, where the silver tarp is now. Just extend out the roof line and roof it over. I think I'll also either put a solid wood barrier or a clear barrier of some kind on the side, so my roof extension will look like a sideways L that bent over to touch its toes and couldn't get up again, because that will help keep the nest boxes dry. I'd prefer clear, so not reduce ambient light on that side of the coop, but we'll have to see what it will cost me...

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