CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

My AM hatching experience has been less than what I had hoped for but what I am finding is my fertility is not great. I hope to address that issue at Walt's class this week end. Almost all that are fertile hatch well but sometimes over a couple of days not all right on schedule.
Well, I have to say I'm disappointed in the EE's too! And surprised! The roo and the hens should be ideal age for producing healthy hatching eggs. But so far you haven't gotten ANY EE's to hatch, the two, non Polish that hatched were from my "brown egg laying chickens" from the feed store (I believe she buys her chicks from MacMurray) I don't get it!

We pushed hatching out the Polish since they'd only been laying a few months but yet got a pretty good hatch rate from them. You only started with 11 of those right?

One more thing, when I hatched EE's last year, they did hatch over 3 days. I set 20 eggs that had been in the refrigerator and some up to 2 weeks old, because I wasn't planning on hatching them until I lost my whole flock....and I got 14 to hatch! If I recall I got 7 the first day, 5 the second day and 2 on day 23 so you're probably not done. I can't imagine out of all those eggs you'd only get 9!

I'd like to hear from those who have EE or Ameracauna hatching experience and see if there's something we're missing. So Sunny, they're quitters right? Because I have rarely cracked open one from Big Daddy's girls that wasn't fertile.

So seven Polish
Last I heard you had a Black and Yellow (which I think should be a splash), anything crested yet?
Gotta get Kayla to school, but one chick out and one pipping. Feeling better. Karen I just got a pm about more of those eggs. They are really expensive, but I need them. You get great hatches so if I can swing this, could you hatch them for me again? Oh and I'll give you her info too. OK gotta run. My car is making the noise my mechanic needs to hear, so gotta go there too.
Oops, my impatience caused some stress. I'm sorry I did that to you Pam! OK I am happy to say that our count of babies is up to 9 Polish, 3 Brown egg layers and 1 EE!!! Technically we are still on day 21 since I set them in the afternoon so it is way too early for me to be getting impatient with these babies! Sorry I was tired last night and I always get stressed right before a hatch.

These babes are doing just fine! I am very happy with this hatch right now. Especially since it was done in the old bator with the cruddy thermostat. The next hatch will be in the new bator that holds temps within a 10th of a degree. *How do that do that? That just amazes me!* Anyway details are on the Nevada thread and I will get pics as soon as my house warms up enough to take them out of the brooder.

So glad you have babies showing up Kim!!! I hate to post about babies hatching when someone else is having heartache over a hatch! I'm a typical American. I like my happy endings!
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I want one so bad. But I'm trying to be good and just keep track with a blue Cane Corso. BUT!!!!!!!! awwwww

OK first 2 are out. The second one is drying. First one is a little feather legged lavender from my lav egg project!
Sorry it's so blurry but it's hard to turn my wrist the way I needed too. Looks like a little roo. Was thinking I don't need roos right now, but yes I do.
Yeah these pups were not supposed to be. The mom has no papers and was scheduled for spaying and his stud dog who is papered got to her. He had gone out to get her to take her to the vet and SURPRISE! So now he has this litter. He knew it was going to be big, because he uses his dog for a stud and he's never produced less than 8. My daughter had a blue male, Jersey, who everyone just loved. The firemen that responded when her house burned down called he to talk to her about the house, but everyone wanted a pup from Jersey. They said it was comical, when they were all holding the hose and ran inside, saw Jers and they all backed out just as quick. He just stood there watching them. Later they were inside and the captain is standing there with Jersey leaning on his leg. Someone asked "You ok Cap." He said "Yep, just hangin with my pal Jersey." LOL Since these aren't Jersey pups it wouldn't be the same, but maybe they should go ask if any of them want a look alike. Mom and dad are real mellow just like Jersey was.
Geez this hatch is killing me. I have two out now comletely and the second one looks like it's going to be black and also has a decent comb. ouch

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