CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! To all my BYC family!!!!
Happy new year!!!
Hi everyone!

Does anyone know of a butcher that will process ducks in or near the Bay Area? It's time for me to thin my Saxony flock, I have 4 or 5 ducks that I will need processed. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thank you all!

BTW, I haven't been keeping up with new members and some other info on there, so if anyone is new here and not on the list, let me know. Any other information is welcome. I still need someone to help with this, so if there are a couple of people willing, let me know. I know show info needs updated. I also want to make separate pages for each topic, so we can find things faster, so I'll be working on that too.

Hope you all had a great New Years!!!! I just got home. Long couple of days.......
Lost some favoriet birds yesterday. I was going to show then in Stockton if Walt had taken a look at them. Don't even get the pics
I'll post what I did on FB

I've been gone all day running grandkids to the dentist, work, picked one up from daycare and went shopping with Makayla and 2 of my other grand daughters to buy a present for my oldest grand daughter. Busy day, but we all had a good time. I got home a little over an hour ago and went out to add hay to the rabbit pens and found feathers all over my yard. I ran to the dog run, but Isis and Dusty were in there staring at me and acting upset. I searched the whole yard and there are feathers in 3 different spots. Something dug my Game hen Sunshine up. She was one of my oldest birds and I lost her this week. Then I started checking pens. There was a huge hole dug under one of the coops. I mean wide and deep and whatever got in went UNDER the wire and pulled it up! And Baby and Ganache aren't in there. I see their feathers!! I know what happened, but I can't believe that other than feathers, there's nothing else. Sunshines feathers are in the dirt I buried her and under the palm. I'm just sick! My gate was open when I got home and I closed it and went out back for the rabbits and I find this!!! I wasn't even thinking something had gotten out there. Those 2 were my friendliest birds. They were so sweet!! I have a migraine coming on and I'm so stressed out. I have no idea which dog around here to hunt down, because there are so many running loose!! I'm just so sick to my stomach right now. Why the 2 that are the quietest?? They make zero noise!!!OMG, I feel like my brain is going to explode. I'm so **** mad right now!! I'm nnot even sure if any of my bigger birds that are usually loose in the yard are gone, but it looks like all are there and I've checked and no one is hurt. This is not a very good night for me.

I'm sitting here crying like a baby. I was going to get picks tomorrow and ask Walt to look at them, because I wanted to show them at the Stockton show. My head hurts so bad. I know they're just birds, but I carry both of them around almost every day! Especially Baby. She's always under foot and I have to carry her around and Ganache spent so much time inside until I build the coop of them. OMG!!! I'm so angry right now!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't think to check the brooder on the patio!! Almost all of my chicks that were growing out are gone or dead!!!!!!!!!

I took some Excedrine Migraine and went out back. I see several paw prints and different sizes

No she saw the guineas. They're fine. You'd think they would have gone after those...They had to have made a lot of noise. Why the 2 that never make a sound?

Ya know, it's always my favorites as far as sweetness and always what I want to show or use for breeding. I'm cursed. I have 18" of wire all around those pens. Bricks too although not a lot of them and pallet wood. Whatever dug is a digging genius! Started almost where wire is buried and away from the wire that lays on top. Then pulled the wire up and apart to dig under the pen! WTH??? I see prints that look like a medium sized dog and then more prints, like smallest to tiny dogs. I haven't seen my neighbors yet today, but maybe they saw them. We have no less than 50 Chihuahuas in this neighborhood that runn around attacking people and other dogs. Some of them are hanging with some of the bigger dogs. The tunnel dug out, might be able to allow a medium dog in, but IDK. I think they worked in teams. There were so many dogs out barking and runniing the streets last night. I kept trying to watch and see which ones I thought might be the guilty parties. There's a wirey mutt and some chi mixes, some doxiexchi mixes and some others that I have no idea what they could be. There was 9 or 10 of them. They harass the neighbor's huge Pitt male. He's such a sweet dog and never barks until the other dogs run up on the fence and act stupid. This morning I had the pups out front and I knew some of the dogs were down the street, but they were quiet. All of a sudden I heard fighting. They were down the block, but it sounded much closer so I called the pups and grabbed one and the other was scared and I kept missing him. Isis and I were attacked Dec 8 last year and I don't want to go through that again trying to scoop up a pup, so I grabbed scruff and brought them in. I went out to see where the fight was and there were dogs running and bleeding. Not from my neighbor's dog, but there are 3 Lab mixes running around out there now. I swear it sounds like a loud pound scene in a movie. I called AC, but as usual, they are idiots! Sarah knows what I mean!

There's not a single feather in the pen. It's like they got them out and then killed them. This is just too much. I kee thinking about my little Baby and how every kid around would hold her because she was just so sweet.

These were all my comments to my post. I'm having a hard time going out back today. I've looked out, but Baby isn't running up to see me. It 's just killing me. I had a rabbit loose and it was fine. The bigger birds that were loose are fine, but between my 2 girls and chicks and 2 quail I lost 17 birds.
These were all my comments to my post. I'm having a hard time going out back today. I've looked out, but Baby isn't running up to see me. It 's just killing me. I had a rabbit loose and it was fine. The bigger birds that were loose are fine, but between my 2 girls and chicks and 2 quail I lost 17 birds.

how awful, 17 birds! I sure wish you could move out of that neighborhood.

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