Californian Meat Rabbit Grow-Out Thread... **Picture Heavy**

I picked up 4 lionhead rabbits today for my daughter
She wanted to start her own mini business selling pet rabbits. Her and my son made out business plans (he wants to do meat, pet, and fur). I came across a CL ad last weekend. I got all 4 for $30
How are they doing? Growing like weeds I am sure. Love the pics of them.
So have you processed any of your rabbits yet, or will this litter be the first?
I'm so jealous that you have grass this time of the year!! LOL. They look good by the way... in a few more weeks I will be licking my lips.

I haven't processed any yet. This is the first litter so I am all gushy about them. I've never done meat rabbits before. I want to keep one doe, but IF I don't sell all of them THEN I will process whatever is left.

On the good note, ALL THREE does are preggers and due next month!!! Looks like I will be eating A LOT of rabbit...

Oh, and grass... this is the only time of year we DO have grass!!! Lol here are pics from last week... (my cornish & teenagers out foraging).



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yup, seems odd to see green. we have everything covered in snow...............again.

never seen an aloe plant growing wild like that. cool, deal.
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Yesterday was my daughters birthday and her doe gave her 9 babies. So now we have a total of 14 kits. We are going to keep 4 out of the first litter for 4-H and sell//eat the rest. I've never had rabbit before so we'll have to see.
Here are my babies at 5wks. They are already larger than thieir mother was at 9wks old so her malnutrition hasn't affected them. I was afraid it would.


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