Call duck color "calculator"?


Dulcimyrh Ducks
10 Years
Oct 22, 2009
I saw that someone had posted a color calculator for chickens on another thread...does anyone know if such a thing exists for call ducks? In asking around about self-blacks, I came to find out that if I crossed my black drake on a chocolate hen, I would get blacks and chocolates, but what about if I crossed him on grays or whites?
Maybe that explains why so many people have the bibbeds for sale but not self-blacks...
Ahh yes! If you ever happen to come across a chart like this, I would dearly love to see it. I am finding it (so far) difficult to learn the color crosses.

I am very, very new to duck colors, so I may have this totally wrong, but I think I've heard that bibbed is a sort of spotting gene. If that is so, then the only way self black x white could result in bibbed, is if the white were carrying the gene for bibbed. The problem with white, is that you can't know what other genes they may be carrying, just looking at them. Gray, I'm told, is dominant, so the only way black x gray will result in anything other than gray, is if the gray is carrying a self gene, and/or both ducks are carrying dilution genes.

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