Call of the Wildman


9 Years
Oct 2, 2010
western Oregon
I am not a fan of the Animal Planet but I was caught by a show called Call of the Wildman last night and one of his non-lethal pest removals was a fox killing chickens. It was very entertaining to watch. I will not say anymore but watch it if you get a chance.
sounds interesting, i will try and watch. my family and our coop got filmed for an animal planet show on rats but our little taping never got aired. They changed the directions of the show to focus on the two exterminators. I am very glad as I'm sure we would have been made to look really stupid.
i watch it too. im from ky, so i feel that they try to make us all look like a bunch of backwoods hicks
That guy is absolutely crazy! We sat and watched a marathon the other night. I never laughed so hard in my life. He's great entertainment and even though hes nuts, he's a smart one. Except when he hangs from a tree with a chainsaw... LOL.
That's the stupidest show I have ever seen. Like most "reality" tv shows today it's all a bunch of staged bs!
No its actually not, this guy actually does do this, it started as a YouTube show but then animal planet decided to sign a contract with him, it's a real show.
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"No it's cut ally not"

You make a strong point. I can't argue with logic like this.

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