Calling All Experts!!! Peahen or Peacock????


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 6, 2012
One of these I purchased and was told it was a 1 yr old peacock. The other is supposed to be a 3 yr old peahen. I think both are peacocks. I am brand new to peafowl and just need to know if I have a pair or not.

Though I'm on my phone and the photos are small, they both look like immature males. ..females tend to be very dull in colors and those look pretty vivid to me....
I agree. I have a 3 yr old peahen and she has no lacing on her body. She is definitely green on her neck.
You've got 2 cute boys there!

One is pushing a year and the other is younger.
Sorry you don't have a pair!
It looks like maybe you have a lovely blackshoulder boy, too?

*eta: FYI...this is a young fella, too.

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I knew it! I am trading these two off Saturday for a pair of blue india pied. Yes I do have a gorgeous black shoulder boy too! He has a beautiful train so there was no questions about what he was!
Thanks everyone! I am loving the peafowl!

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