Calling all teenagers

Caught a live rat today
it had fallen into an empty chicken food trashcan in the back of the coop.
i'll say it was gotten rid of.
The spoiler (a bit more detail) might be offensive or distressing for vegans/vegetarians
i dont want to make anyone mad

i clapped the lid on the trashcan because it was like a foot long from nose to tail and was perfecly capable of jumping out and after attempting to get one of the cats to eat it (none of them wanted it) i brought the rat in a trash can up to the house where Dad said he would shoot it but i told him i could dispose of it because its only a rat and i don't think that it needs a gun. He then told me to just jump it in a trash bag and stomp its head so with a little help from my brothers we got it in the bag and hit it against the deck to stun it and then stomped it and then decapitated it with a lawn edger and at that point its eyes were coming out so it looked like a cartoon rat.
A while ago a rat was getting into our chicken coop. I was soooo mad! It then moved to the goat shed and chewing on their blankets this winter. I'm figuring it had some babies and moved on. I haven't seen any sign of it thank goodness!
Hey everyone!
Been a bit busy, and yesterday we went to the local show.
A fair few chickens, mostly bantams which aren't really my thing, but a couple of light sussex and buff orps.
Also, for the first time ever, we went on the rides! (if you think its odd that I am 20 years old, and have never been on them before, its due to various circumstances)
The first one we went on, was called the hurricane, and it goes round and round, and then once its got up speed, you start going up and down as well.
I will admit, it scared me! Not what it was doing, but the fact that all that is holding one in is a bar, and I think if you tried you could actually fall out of it.
Then on to one where you stand against the wall, and it spins you around, and the whole thing tilts and different angles.
That one was a lot of fun!
And the last one goes up and down on a wall, with near zero gravity; and was possibly the best yet!
What rides have you been on, and what are your favorites?
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