Calling all veterans and family members. Allies too.

My father served in the Army in Korea during the Korean War, two of his brothers served in the Army during Vietnam, my father-in-law was in the Navy during WWII, and my husband served in the Marines during Vietnam.

God bless them, and all of you who have sacrificed for your country. You have given us all the gift of freedom, by your service. Thank you.
My father and grandfather were not career military, but both served tours in the Army, both during war times. My father had a commendation for being one of the top marksmen during his tenure. I'm sorry I don't know the technical terms. He was a teacher and a basketball coach after that, and my grandfather went on to a career as an electrical engineer after his service.

They both looked mighty handsome in uniform.
Hi folks. There are a lot of new BYC members that may not have seen this thread yet. With Veterans Day coming up soon, November 11, I thought it was about time to recognize our current service members, former service members, and family members who sacrificed much to support their service member.

So let's hear it for our veterans and family members.
I had originally started a VETERANS DAY post a year ago and had my wedding picture and my "military" record upon my chest. DACJOHNS, as I soon learned, has quite sharp vision and the prerequisite 'attention to detail'; sent me an email querying about my statement as to my 2nd award of the Purple Heart (which happens to be a bronze oak leaf pinned on the ribbon and was missing in the photo---the leaf had just fallen off!)

Suffice to say, I had a long military career, spent either in long and dreary drudgery and training, or utterly terrifying,sheerly frightful combat and filled with a lifelong fear of something ABOUT TO HAPPEN just over the horizon or around the corner. There are no good stories "over there," Oliver Stone is a cynical stupid waste of human REMF and his version of history should be right next to Jane Fonda's memoirs in someone's bottom drawer!

Well, I need to hop off the soapbox and put some lotion on my leg stump and a couple of Diazepams for supper should nicely! All y'all have a good one and thanks to all that served in whatever capacity...the fact that you served...that's all that really counts to a true VET!
My father was in the Army, during the Korean War. During his life he never talked about his service. When he came home from Korea, he and my mother married and he went about the business of living his life. Shortly before he died from cancer, he did talk to my mother a little about his service. One of the things he told her was he had been awarded 2 bronze stars, which he kept in the bottom of his underwear drawer. He also told her he wanted a military funeral (21 guns, flag folding ceramony, taps, the works). He said that he had many bullets fired at him over there. It didn't matter if technically it was a "conflict" and not a "war", there were alot of real bullets flying from both sides and that is WAR! I guess he figured he had earned the ceramony that goes with a military funeral. My father died on July 4, 1993 at the age of 60. He was buried with the military funeral he had requested. There were around 100 people at his grave side for the ceramony. Quite a feat for a town with a population of only 400 people. He was respected as a man of his word and a man of honor.
Dh just got pinned---Sgt. the other day. He's currently serving Security Detail in Iraq and part of the kilo division.

MY father served in the Army for 21 years (served in Vietnam) and my DH for 13 years (served in Desert Storm). I also presently have a nephew that is on his way home from his second tour in Iraq (and has also been to Afghanistan.) I'll show this to all of them, they always say that they do not hear thank you enough, so Thank You ALL for recognizing all who have served.
Sure there just have to see them and look for them.

As for this household...DH is still not "retired" in his mind ... he is still driving me and DD nuts.

She just went through a 'Health and Welfare" inspection and routinely goes through room inspections. LOL

The alarm still goes off at 4 am every morning.

He still wears his boots and Woodlands/BDUs

He still acknowledges by saying "Roger" or "Roger that"

He still asks "where is the nearest latrene"

He still has nightmares...

Thanks again to all you wonderful men and women that served out country and are serving our country.

Wife of Green Beret
who refuses to accept retirement

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