calling any one from missouri

Not a good pic... You can barely see it. it's a female.

I finally got an Oriole! :celebrate:celebrate:celebrate
In the background, in my photo above w the cat on the stump, you can see in the road, all these clumps of dirt left by the road grader last week. They left them all along in front of our property, (everyone's properties) even in front of the driveways. (which we moved.) I was really irritated because obviously he is not returning. But I've had in inspiration to do something creative w them, I am going to plant a mammoth sunflower in each statement to the absurdity of the situation....
here's another angle
clods.jpg DH is collecting some of them to fill holes. I'll plant in the remaining ones.
@BigBlueHen53 how did you make out? Butler still has 6% without power and Carter 15% without power.


By the time we got home about 8 pm the power was on, but the electric /electronic clocks indicated power had been off for a bit. All the critters were fine. There were some branches down across the drive but no serious damage. Must have been a pretty big blow.
SueT, Don’t get me started on the county road thing! 🤨

we’ve had them do the same thing... but it’s been softball sized rocks as well as dirt clods that they left in the road...

I would call your county road commissioner and/or road crew supervisor and ask them to come out and inspect the work that was done as or send them pictures ... and maybe even ask them to stop by your house for a chat...

that’s about the only thing I’ve found to be even somewhat effective...

In our case it was mostly due to the operator hurrying through the job and not caring about the quality of the work... so he was basically just going through the motions...

but our mail carrier and I had come up on him pulled over playing on his phone a few times... so I finally suggested to the supervisor that might be happening, and knock on wood, things have been better here lately... still far from perfect but better

The counter point is that (here at least) we pay almost nothing in taxes for the roads so it’s all very under funded... but when that comes up I mention that’s all the more reason to do quality work rather than shoddy work that requires inspection and redoing ...

my neighbor Joe’s tactic involves berating the supervisor with ‘sailors poetry’ face to face, and then offering him a beer... which somehow works, lol

I apparently lack the charm needed for that though...

one time I chased down the county operator ... after he smashed my mailbox while trimming the ride away and then he kept going...

He started to get mouthy with me and lit into him, and then I caught myself after seeing the fear in his eyes and realizing I had him cornered in the cab tractor...

I apologized to him, and asked him to call his supervisor immediately and report the problem, and that I’d be following up within the hour...

During that incident, I learned the county commissioner is basically just a politician and has no authority over the crew...

Since then I just talk with the supervisor when issues arise... I figure I don’t need to go to jail for putting knots on a guy’s head over a mailbox 🤪...

but holding them accountable for poor work when it happens, and suggesting they are wasting funds by doing work that needs to be redone, seems to be somewhat effective

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