calling any one from missouri

The story behind building that is one day I was sitting on the deck with some friends and Ray says JT why don't you build a ballista, then George says don't use a torsion box use a truck spring. I reply if I had a truck spring I'd build a ballista... fast forward a few weeks and Ricky walks into my machine shop carrying a truck spring... well I had to build a ballista then. The Shaws saw it when they visited.

It’s in the air 😉

We drove by Estes hatchery in Mt. Vernon today. (Estes is where we got our first ever chicks.) At this new location, I’ve probably shown you, there was a derelict boat out front and they put a large metal rooster on it. Noticed today, they’ve added some hens....
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Gasoline in Mt. Vernon was $3.59.
I got mini pepper seeds and they aren’t sprouting.I don’t have the recommended heat mat, so I have put 12 little peat pots in my incubator, we’ll see if that works....
I don’t plan to hatch any eggs this spring because the bird flu may have cancelled the poultry it’s free for incubating plants instead. 1FCF7199-D3FD-4CB5-BC39-9521A0CC7E9C.jpeg
Any idea why my tomato starts are turning yellow ? 🤷‍♀️ I planted the seeds in seed starting medium. I’ve given them diluted tomato fertilizer after they got their first true leaves ( and I noticed they were going a little yellow ). They are inside under a fluorescent bulb. Not all of the tomato plants are turning yellow but quite a few of them are.
I was in Poplar Bluff this week and got almost all of the ceilings painted!! Hubby got the hot water heater wired up. We now have hot water down there! 🎉🎉

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