calling any one from missouri

It's 1*F outside at my place (1:15pm). Coop is about 7*F because a window is partially open (glass mishap) and only one 250 watt lamp (until I repair others).

I recall there was a thread somewhere about winter temp spread (coop/outside) but don't have time to hunt it down right now. Indoors I'm about to fire up my wood stove "Hank." ❤ Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas! 🎄
In Coop Deux I have two oil filled heaters under the poop table. These are very effective and radiate heat up through the poop table.

In Coop Uno I have a couple of heat lamps with red heat bulbs in them hanging from the top of the coop. These are ok but this coop is not insulated so hopefully they at least keep the birds a bit warm.

Both coops are controlled with Raspberry Pi 3 SBCs (Single Board Computer) and I have a temperature sensor that displays the temperature on a web page for me so I can monitor the inside temperature of each coop.

That sounds like a nice setup.
-4°F this morning and Coop Uno is 18.8°F and Coop Deux is 16.4°F. Heaters will stay on till Wednesday... I think I'll run a cord from the house down to Coop Deux and turn the oil filled heaters up to max. Right now they are on 600 watts each. Both coops are on the same 20 amp circuit so I'm limited to 2400 watts of power. I could use the 900 watt elements in the oil filled but that would max out at 2300 watts. The high today is 12°F.

Good morning, Missourians! Made it through the night, I see!
-5 down here near Poplar Bluff; windchill is -22. Brr!
Did not do anything special for the coop (8x10 walk-in hen house) last night. Contains 24 hens and 2 roosters, figured they would huddle to keep warm if need be. My thinking is they are birds, same as sparrows, cardinals, blue jays, etc., and nature has given them all the insulation they need, plus we've provided them a nice dry shelter, so they should be fine. We'll see, once the sun comes up and TheMan goes to open them up.

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