calling any one from missouri

Japanese beetles are destroying my rhubarb. They are very bad this year and eating things I don't normally see them on. They are even eating marigolds.
Something ate my giant-leafed hosta. Deer, maybe? But it's right up against the house. Whatever ate it, I don't really begrudge it, all the critters are suffering in this heat and drought. It still has stems and roots so I'm hoping it will come back. It's about ten years old, was nearly waist high.
Thank you! This is a new one on me! I love learning new stuff. How come you to know this?
From my granddaughter when we were making hats for stuffed animals. And for the giraffe, I said, it needs to fit over the horns. “Those aren’t horns, they’re ossicones,” she said.
Ossicones are columnar or conical skin-covered bone structures on the heads of giraffes, male okapi, and some of their extinct relatives. Ossicones are distinguished from the superficially similar structures of horns and antlers by their unique development and a permanent covering of skin and fur.

Ossicone - Wikipedia​

Something ate my giant-leafed hosta. Deer, maybe? But it's right up against the house. Whatever ate it, I don't really begrudge it, all the critters are suffering in this heat and drought. It still has stems and roots so I'm hoping it will come back. It's about ten years old, was nearly waist high.
It should come back as long as the roots weren't dug up. The ducks do their best to rip all the leaves off of mine every year. 😣
From my granddaughter when we were making hats for stuffed animals. And for the giraffe, I said, it needs to fit over the horns. “Those aren’t horns, they’re ossicones,” she said.
Ossicones are columnar or conical skin-covered bone structures on the heads of giraffes, male okapi, and some of their extinct relatives. Ossicones are distinguished from the superficially similar structures of horns and antlers by their unique development and a permanent covering of skin and fur.

Ossicone - Wikipedia


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