calling any one from missouri

This will work for any non leap year IMG_2844.jpeg
Sadly, there are still a lot of folks in the area without power. I feel for them, it is starting to get hot. I heard one family list their house to fire due to lightening strike. Many others had damages to their homes vehicles fences etc.
It was a long annoying day yesterday but today I'm counting my blessings.
I let the hen and her 6 chicks out into their run 2 days ago. Chicks are 11 days, but since they are bantams, they are tiny. I had to baby-proof the run first as they can walk thru small openings. I carefully smoothed the ground and put a layer of fresh shavings over the dirt. Then I removed the barrier. Violetta led the chicks outside. She had been broody for so long that she just screeched with delight at seeing the ground again. She began digging like mad, flinging dirt and shavings all over the place, including all over her chicks who quickly learned to stay clear. She has been digging almost non stop each day. No taking the chicks in for a break, for a nap. She just digs, digs, digs. I look at the other flock members in the adjoining run. They are not digging, they are strolling around, resting, preening, maybe pecking here and there. They are relaxed. But the chicks have a mad hen for a mama…. They rush up to each newly dug spot with great interest. Sometimes they do move apart from her and find the food or water. Mama is not interested in that. Just digging- she’s obsessed. 😐

PS to previous post ⬆️, mama hen finally relaxed this evening. She stopped digging, stood up straight and looked around. The sun was low, the cicadas singing, and she seemed to just take it all in. The chicks then relaxed too. They all perched on a branch I have for them and just looked like happy little birds. It is warm enuf that they don’t need to go under Mom in the daytime. The frantic digging frenzy had ended. Meanwhile I gathered up a wagon full of big rocks and I’m going to fill in the craters and cover them with rocks so Violetta can’t undermine the fence if she gets in the mood again….😌

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