calling any one from missouri

Hello fellow Missourians

We're about 80 miles directly south of Kansas City, and a mile from the Kansas border. We just got back into the chicken "business" this spring, with a "Barnyard Mix" ordered from the local feedstore, and got quite a mix, indeed! Examples include the Barred Rocks that are, by all indications, actually more Dominiques (the roos' combs are sure Dominique-style!), one that is a Turken mix, some Black Copper Marans mixes, and a few mutts that you'd have to see to believe

I'll have to check out that Jacob's Cave info, now!
(anything with "cave" in the name is guaranteed to intrigue me,
From SW Missouri (just east of Branson) here. I wish I would have heard about Jacob's Cave earlier... it sounds like a place wife and I would have loved to have gone! Phooey!
I can't remember if I have posted in this thread before. I'm in Columbia right now. Hello everybody! I have three hens. 2 barred rock bantams (Mole, Marsala) and 1 cochin bantam (Dumpling).

I'm interested in getting three more pullets before winter. I don't have a particular breed that I want, but I would like them to be a standard sized bird that is a dual purpose, winter hardy bird. We are in town and the limit is 6 birds, which is good because otherwise I wouldn't stop. I can't find anything locally in the classifieds that is within an hour. Does anybody have any suggestions or birds for sale? Thanks!

On another note, I'm also interested in a coop. My husband and I are not builders and we can't take the problems we have with our current one. I've ordered the Backyard Chicken Coop book and I can't wait until it gets here, otherwise I'm buying one.
uhhhhhh, jacobs cave doesny happen for about 28-30 day yet. september 29-oct 2, cmon up and have a looksee, should only be about a 3 - 4 hour drive for you.

you could go to fordland swap saturday, it is east of springfield an hour or so i think. never realy paid that much attention to how far it was, takes us 3.5 hours to get there when we can go!

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