calling any one from missouri

We live near KC, We have six girls so far. First year and still waiting for eggs. Lots of fun so far. The only problem is they are not roosting. I have a pullet with a bad leg and can't get up on the roost. I think the others are not roosting because of her. They huddle together in the nest boxes. Any ideas ?
She has splayed leg. The roost is 10" from floor. They are a mix of Orpington,brahma, Black Star
I'm in Springfield with some urban chickens, 3 five year old buff Orpingtons that still lay about 1 egg a day, and getting ready to introduce some Ameracauna MU (EE) to the flock for a total of 6
Hi gelina44
I have finally gotten some more chicks moved outside yay, gotta make room for the SFH, and the lemon cuckoo and the lavender orpingtons. Next week they hatch..
Here is my Narragansett jenny her name is Ares she is so loveble

my one and only sizzle Zaria and luckily a girl so I can breed her with my boys

cute lavender pied guinea keet

just a couple girls at the watering hole!

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