calling any one from missouri

Question my Missouri friends. I have 6 week old chicks and they are staying in my coop. With the colder nights I am using a heat lamp for added warmth. How long will I need to do this, before they will be ok without the lamp.
Thank you
Just run it at night. Give it another couple weeks and switch over to regular light bulb on timer to come on around 5AM. If you keep it too warm they won't get heavy feathering development to help keep them warm. If you've got a box you can put hay in they can"nest" up and generate much of their own heat. Most important once fully feathered is able to keep out of drafts.
Hello, Missouri neighbors....I'm posting here from the OKIE thread....I would like to extend an invitation to attend our upsoming sermam only traditional tabletop show. Serama are the only breed of chicken to be shown performing on an open tabletop (no cage) Oct 26, 2013 Keystone Lake, Salt Creek North Loop B Keystone Lake is just west of Tulsa. Judging begins at 10:00 A.M. Free hot dogs and soft drinks for lunch. Please join us.

:frow Hello, Missouri neighbors....I'm posting here from the OKIE thread....I would like to extend an invitation to attend our upsoming sermam only traditional tabletop show. Serama are the only breed of chicken to be shown performing on an open tabletop (no cage) Oct 26, 2013 Keystone Lake, Salt Creek North Loop B Keystone Lake is just west of Tulsa. Judging begins at 10:00 A.M. Free hot dogs and soft drinks for lunch. Please join us.
Oh man! That would be quite a show! Too bad I can't make that trip... :(
Howdy Neighbors! I just stumbled across this thread and thought I would stop and say HELLO! We have a small farm in Laclede County where we raise beef cattle. I received my 5 little girls this past summer and I'm anxiously waiting for that 1st egg!

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