calling any one from missouri

I love my Cochin and my white crested black polish, but if I had to do it again with everything I have learned I would have chosen a breeder over a hatchery. There is nothing wrong with my hatchery flock love them all but I think a breeder would have been a better over all bird.
I am told by Orschelin chick days will start March 1st and ours is gearing up for it big time. Having someone only 45 minutes from you that breeds the chicks you want is a grand bonus.

I'm in the Cleveland, MO vicinity and it will just depend on how many eggs I can get into the incubator by then. I only have a few buff hens so it won't be like 50 chicks at a time or anything. How many chicks are you looking for?

I only want about four or five., maybe six., is Cleveland by Clinton or butler........
Do you sell any hatching eggs

If the girls get back to laying I would! LOL! I'm supposed to be collecting eggs for a gal this week and it went and got bitter cold again and no one is laying! I just have a few breeder pens. I wouldn't claim any of my birds are show quality simply because I don't know enough about the SOP for the different breeds. They're just backyard birds. I started breeding my own for myself and family after I saw a video showing excess live chicks being ground up at a commercial hatchery. I can't bring myself to buy from a hatchery now. I just can't support that.

At any rate, I have Buff Orpington, Australorp, Silver Laced Wyandotte, EE, White Giant and blue bantam Cochin in breeder pens. A few are trios, the others are pairs... until I find a few more for each roo. Ideally, I'd love to have 3 girls in each pen. So I'm never going to have huge volume, but surely I can produce enough to keep myself and a few others in chicks/eggs. All the rest of my chickens free range and produce eating eggs that I sell.
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