calling any one from missouri

Hello sue t in Barton county:frow
Dade county girl here. . wonder if we know each other:)
hi...we've driven thru Date county, but don't know much about it. We live northwest of Lamar on a farm that belonged to my DH's late parents. I used to work in the Alzheimer's unit at Truman healthcare. Now retired. We're pretty much hermits.
Did you ever go to Cackle hatchery? I'd like to go there and pick up some Appenzeller Spitzhaubens.....but I'd need a bigger coop first. Or a second one.
hi...we've driven thru Date county, but don't know much about it. We live northwest of Lamar on a farm that belonged to my DH's late parents. I used to work in the Alzheimer's unit at Truman healthcare. Now retired. We're pretty much hermits.
Did you ever go to Cackle hatchery? I'd like to go there and pick up some Appenzeller Spitzhaubens.....but I'd need a bigger coop first. Or a second one.
No I never have gone there but I've thought about visiting it sometime
Here comes another round of bitter cold. Were supposed to get as low as -16 at some point in the next few days brrrrrrrrrrrr......

I gave the coop straw a good fluff and put some more wood chips in the run to cover over some ice layers from the ducks. Took a small tub of suet out for the chickens, but after I got done putting bag balm on their combs forgot to give it to them. I only remembered it on the way home from taking my dad out to eat. Oops. Not even sure where I left it, but I bet it will be gone by morning.

How is everyone's chickens doing with the cold weather? And are there any special precautions you take?
Mine seem to be doing OK. Though the water keeps freezing and they attack the water when I replace it. I have blocked the ventilation form the west and north winds but there is plenty on the south and east sides. A egg here and there. I will add more shavings to their coop again today I have been adding some every few days and give them some warmed FF. They are going through more feed than usual. I've had to use just dry feed as the FF keeps freezing before they can eat it. I leave for work in the dark and often am home after dark so they aren't active when I take feed out most days.

They are huddling together on top of the wooden crates I have for a temporary roost early am and as it is getting dark. Dang crazy roo is out there crowing @ 3am!!! Stephen will need to take him to his country home soon, he is a cool roo and I will miss him. Between the holidays and me sick we haven't gotten together on his adoption.

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