calling any one from missouri

Ok MO people I have some birds that need homes, I will take offers if anyone is interested. I have a 2 month old EE roo and a few 4 week old OEGB. I will also have some mixed chicks out of the incubator in a few weeks
Hi! I am from outside of Odessa MO. Odessa is about 45 miles east of KC.

We had 27 inches of snow and it is beginning to melt. The weather people say we will hit the 50's this weekend. They also said at one time we would only get 6 inches of snow.

I do not have any chickens yet. Our local feed store is having chick day this Saturday, but not sure my husband is ready for this. No, do not have a coop built either. I do have lots of beekeeping equipment tho!

I am looking at getting layers that handle our winters and summer heat/humidity. I love the Polish birds they are so funny, but everything says you need to be "experienced" to take care of them. Any suggestions?

We had to tear down the chicken coop that was here. It was rotted. The only thing we could save was the wood from the roof. It was a garden shed converted. The floor was rotten, the side plywood was pretty bad and no yard except for the outside door still attached to posts. The door just out in the yard all by itself.

We are not carpenters by any means. My husband is NOT a handyman of any kind. So, I was considering buying a kit, rather than make our own from scratch.

And as always - Go Tigers! (yes I have a child at Mizzou!)


Hey all, I have been looking for a missouri thread..
Welcome !!!!
Hello all!!! I just moved here last summer. Am in the military and this is my last stop
. Gonna make this my home. I just got back into chickens and currently have an assortment of layers and just 11 CX from cackle. I live in Roby, Mo. Anyway just wanted to say hi. Also a quick question..... what does everyone feed their DP roo's if you plan to make them your dinner? I hatch quite a bit and this will be their fate lo,
Hello all!!! I just moved here last summer. Am in the military and this is my last stop
. Gonna make this my home. I just got back into chickens and currently have an assortment of layers and just 11 CX from cackle. I live in Roby, Mo. Anyway just wanted to say hi. Also a quick question..... what does everyone feed their DP roo's if you plan to make them your dinner? I hatch quite a bit and this will be their fate lo,

Hey How are you doing? Downsized here by 45 hens now not getting enough eggs.
So glad spring is almost here
I am trying to downsize some roos. LOL they are the ones I cant stand to eat because they are pets.. Go figure.. I have a good group of girls and got eggs all winter at the lowest amount I got 2 a day not bad I think. Welcome spring though,, more eggs for us all and warmer temps... Cant wait to get to planting

Hello all!!! I just moved here last summer. Am in the military and this is my last stop
. Gonna make this my home. I just got back into chickens and currently have an assortment of layers and just 11 CX from cackle. I live in Roby, Mo. Anyway just wanted to say hi. Also a quick question..... what does everyone feed their DP roo's if you plan to make them your dinner? I hatch quite a bit and this will be their fate lo,
Hey there I just joined this thread but have been here for abit. I feed my meat birds fermented feed. They get all their nutrients and waste less and grows them to size good. I feed my whole flock FF it also has a lot of vit/min and it has probiotics.

Really enjoying the warmer weather. Got my 4 week old BR outside for the first time. Took them a while to figure out what chickens are supposed to do outside. lol I figure about 2 more weeks and I can try putting them in the coop with the adults.

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