calling any one from missouri

Thought Dixon had a Chinese restaurant? HAHA
Well, they had one and it closed down it set empty for a bit and someone else opened another one in the building. Last time I was there about 3 weeks ago it was still there.
I was born and raised in Salem, now I live in Buffalo but come to Salem frequently as my father and grandmother still live there. I have been reading everything I can about chickens on this site for the past month. Will be getting my first chicks in a month (if I can wait that long) and I am trying to learn everything I need to know before I get them. I have finally come to the realization that I will never know all I need to know. LOL This site is wonderful, though its worse than Facebook for letting me waste hours of time. I sit down thinking I will just look at one thing, coop design, or what kind of rooster to get, or what scraps to feed, and BOOM its 2 hours later and I'm reading about remedies for pasty butt, which I had never heard of until here. Anyway, wish me luck in my endeavors, I'm sure I will be posting questions soon.

I always tell myself, I am just going to read this article and then get off the computer.... oh sure... that never works!

Having chickens is kinda like having horses... you think you might have an idea about what to do with them and then they throw you a curve ball! LOL But they are so much fun to own and they really do have individual personalities.

Good luck and this is a great site to ask questions on.
I so love the seperate personalities that each bird has.. That is how I landed at over 100 birds.... Chicken Math,, gotta love it. I will be having some that need new homes. I will sell cheap just to thin my flock,
Well I had a surprise - turkey babies! My 3 breeds of heritage turkeys are all free ranging together this year. I caught one nesting and laying and thought oh good - spring must be coming. This one was a complete surprise - with a dozen lil bitty goobers trotting around ma! She's a RP and half the babies look like Naragansetts and the other half look like blues.
She's got her beak full fending off all the circling farm cats so I plucked them up and popped them in a big brooder on the porch. Mom's parked next to it giving the cats innocently trying to come up on the porch holy heck. She tore into my perey boy too - poor thing, just trying to come up out of the rain. Found a muscovy nest with a couple eggs in it too.

So why are they talking rain and maybe snow tonight?
congrats on the baby turkeys ;-) I just went to National weather and it says possible snow/rain Weds. nite into Thurs but temp down here to be in 40's?? This late in the year it is not uncommon for a late snow storm but they don't fact, they go away very quickly. But I am more concerned over hard frosts as my lilac bush has budded out and is actually leafing out
again this year
I don't want to lose any fruit this spring either. I hope you don't get any snow where you are at

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