calling any one from missouri

I have a pm to dawg53 ~ but I think it's fowl pox.....
You guys haven't heard the worse part yet I already culled 3 or 4 before it was to this stage where it looked like something other an CRD .... some of you know in the past I had CRD,and when I started out this time..... I was going to cull fast and hard ..... if any of you have ever went through coryza,you know how bad it is................ This time around no swap,no trade,no adult birds,we don't do anything with our birds if we have been around other birds till we change clothes and shoes,we have only hatched eggs from 1 member and he was NPIP (helps my mind a little) and we have Cackle vac. for Marek . I even clean nieces shoes before she can look at my birds that's just what I do,I don't mean to hurt feelings.....AND I STILL MAY GET CRD,due to secondary infections just from fowl heart is broken,I would set down and cry again if I had time....I didn't sleep very much last night thinking about the birds I had killed and the birds I may still have to kill,It has took us about 3 years to get the birds we have now (little over 100) and they are our babies (sorry I'll get it together)
I'm going to move the ones that are showing signs and doctor them,order vac.and vac. the birds that are not showing signs,and then clean coops with BLEACH and water in a sprayer... Then cull still if anyone shows signs of CRD ,We had lots and lots of mosquitoes this past summer so I think I'm on the right track.....I just would love to know for sure..If anyone has any ideas that would be great.... I was thinking about putting meds. in water just to keep them from getting secondary infections
..What do you guys think??? And what vac. Poxine or Chick-N-pox TC ??? thanks,wkc
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Oh my... I am so sorry!!! I have a roo that I rhink has pox. I've given him tylan but also I am treating with Lemon Essential Oil. Lemon kills everything. I'm also starting all my birds on Oregano EO for prevention.

How did you find out you had crd in the past?
My coops are 2 x 4If you have 6 chickens i think they will be warm from each other..more not sure all will fit in a 2 x4 coop My 6 were tight in a 2 x 4 but were ok.

I have a coop inside my 20' x 20' shed in one corner. The roof is 12' at the peak. Shed not insulated and no electric in it .Coop is just chicken wire and 2x4. I'm new to chicken ranching, First time going thru a winter. Do I need to do anything different, are the hens going to be ok ? I have six hens, Two of each Black Star, Orpington and Brahma.
Oh my... I am so sorry!!! I have a roo that I rhink has pox. I've given him tylan but also I am treating with Lemon Essential Oil. Lemon kills everything. I'm also starting all my birds on Oregano EO for prevention.

How did you find out you had crd in the past?
Thank you

Sorry I guess I've been using the term CRD as Chronic Respiratory Disease as an umbrella term for respiratory problems.Sorry for any mix up..
I really think I had Coryza the smell was awful ... with lots of discharge,they acted sick,swelling of the face,the smell would turn my stomach, ect..This time there wasn't any smell (yet) and no discharge....but I was so in the state of fear and to save the rest of them I started culling.....

I went out to take out the ones with signs of whatever ??? and now there are too what ever it is we are in the middle of it now...
Thank you 

[COLOR=333333]Sorry I guess I've been using the term CRD as Chronic Respiratory Disease as an umbrella term for respiratory problems.Sorry for any mix up..[/COLOR]
[COLOR=333333]I really think I had Coryza the smell was awful ... with lots of discharge,they acted sick,swelling of the face,the smell would turn my stomach,[/COLOR][COLOR=333333] ect..This time there wasn't any smell (yet) and no discharge....but I  was so in the state of fear and to save the rest of them I started culling.....[/COLOR]:th
[COLOR=333333]I went out to take out the ones with signs of whatever ??? and now there are too what ever it is we are in the middle of it now...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=333333] [/COLOR]

Crud!!!! They all have spots now? Pick the scabs off if you can. Put tea tree oil on it if you can. How many are you talking? May need to tube feed if they stop eating. I have baby parrot food that I mixed with water and tylan and tube fed to my roo. High protein and vitamins... Of course if you're talking 10+ that could take a long time. Time I know I don't have... Can you quarintine the healthy ones?

Wow, I hadn't checked in for a while and just had to catch up on the last SIXTY FOUR posts! I've been slacking! Was fun to peruse the pictures of all the farm dogs.
I've got three myself, an old Walker hound mix named Junior who's wobbling around on his last legs. He's almost 14 now and he's had coyote duty handled all on his own for the last 11+ years... the time we've been on my little farm. My chickens couldn't have been more safe.

My other two are Irish Wolfhounds. Graham is chicken obsessed and will happily eat any bird he can sneak up on, Norman only chases them if they go into the dogs' fenced yard. When he's out, he completely ignores them. We have what I think is a coyote hybrid who has stolen three chickens from me over the last week and Norman says he's ready to follow in Junior's paw prints and take over coyote hunting duties. Wolfhounds are sight hounds, but Norman air scented and found the exact spot that I saw the 'coyote' go through the pasture fence, then he was all about finding that little bugger! Good dog!! (Norman is in the red collar, Graham is trying to look innocent)

I also read the posts about chicks and young chickens needing new homes... why do you all have to be so far from me?! I'd LOVE a lavender silkie roo. I don't have any silkies but some of my favorite chickens were my silkie mixed hens. They were so pretty and the best broodies!

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