calling any one from missouri

Thank you, I will check out that website. I will probably try to pick up some pallets this weekend. It's just me and my two girls, so we will see how this goes. Thank you for all the ideas everyone.
i was looking in your general area, it looks like land is expensive. I looked for three years at a lot of property until i found our spot ,I am sure a good deal will eventually come around for you , you just have to keep an eye out. good luck with your projects.
Going to make a sick and a goose house or of pallets

House the coop/pens coming along?

My day was annoying. Drive 35 miles to get part for Vehicle (Actualy had 2 die on us this past week, in SAME DAY
) , repair barn roof (Lost 3x12 sheet of tin on 4-27, didn't realize until today.) fix vehicle x 2. Rush in Brocoli plants to garden (way behind on planting everything).

Have meat project eggs due tomorrow, 3 are starting to pip. No sign on Rouen or the sole BA egg in with them. Hoping they don't drag out a hatch I have a lot due on the 13th and want to use that 1 LG for hatcher and other incubators for incubation. Might have to use lower shelf on DIY bator if breed pens pick up production. This week I have collected 13 WLH, 19 BSL 11 RIR and 12 Meat project ( Autsra-white x CX, OUTLAYED the RIR this week, And almost the WLH But there are 4 CX and only 3 RIR but 5 WLH) eggs from breeding pens as well as adding anything they lay tomorrow.
Not counting the 28 Rouen eggs I have all in the mix. And 3 more with a broody BSL that I am not sure is liking them, or her brood pen. I am setting pen eggs tomorrow night and collecting for 1 more setting before I switch things around a bit.
Replacement cockerels are doing outstanding as well as the CX chicks we received. Keeping 1 heat lamp on for the barebacked runts. Hard to believe less than 2 weeks ago we had 36 degree nights. 1 of the replacements is growing outlandishly faster than others, may have to put him with CX hens later.
Daughter is building Ohio brooder in AG class for use in our poultry biz/hobby. She gets a grade and helps out with the birds to top it off. And to beat that her teacher wants to buy laying hens from me. But that's down the road a few months already discussed selling started/POL birds and chicks. Am NOT selling my breeders or my layers that are paying their bills now. And feeding the meats on top of themselves.
Still ALOT of remodeling to do in buildings. And might make up a tractor or repurpose a pen that was left here when we bought the place. Thinking smaller tractor though so I can get them in some narrow places, like around the garden and such where mower won't fit.

All in all its going good by leaps and bounds. The newest additions to my flock (WLH and RIR) are some of the highlights of my days this past week. IF I can keep the 3 y/o from opening their pen to check for eggs, he brought me 11 from the open coop, or "Hen House" as he calls it, in a bucket today, "I got lots of eggs Dad, ALOT!. The 2 y/o won't go looking but if she sees 1 or sees somebody with 1 she HAS to carry it to house and put in egg basket. And they always want to feed the birds, all chickens are BABY BIRDS. Until I correct them then "chicken" is ok. And they know which are roosters and which are hens that lays the eggs. Best part is he knows which hen will peck at him if he tries to get her egg, and will give her 4 feet of room if she is nesting. Only 1 does she's a feather foot cross with Delaware color. Helps that all other white birds are penned at this time I think.

Gonna hit the sack so I am not temped to look in on the pippers. And sorry for the encyclopedia entry your reading thru.
we went and got some pallets last week, put 4 in the back of a jeep cherokee. Well the door latch suddenly stopped working with the pallets still in the back, there is no inside release you have to take off the entire back panel to fix the latch so we took a chainsaw to the pallets while they were in the back. Still havnt fixed the door. but we have room for the dogs now

we are thinking of siding two sides of our tiny house with pallets . And the front and back of our outhouse.
we went and got some pallets last week, put 4 in the back of a jeep cherokee. Well the door latch suddenly stopped working with the pallets still in the back, there is no inside release you have to take off the entire back panel to fix the latch so we took a chainsaw to the pallets while they were in the back. Still havnt fixed the door. but we have room for the dogs now

we are thinking of siding two sides of our tiny house with pallets . And the front and back of our outhouse.
first class outhouse when it gets walls, I have visited government recreational areas that only have thrones
HELP!!?? this is my second year with chickens, I recently got some chicks, 8-10 weeks and they are in with my laying ladies. I have had them since day 3 or so and they are on the medicated feed. I now have them on what is left of the medicated feed and a prelayer feed.
yesterday my daughter was looking and found a redish poop , today I found a redish poop again. not sure who is doing this. They free range most days and have eaten strawberries and such. I don't see worms in the poop and it is a tiny amount.
Should I worry? no one is acting sickly, and I have one who is broody and is sitting on an egg right now.
Should I take the poop to someone to have it looked at?? and if so who in columbia mo. would look at it and tell me what to do?

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