calling any one from missouri

A strange wrinkled egg can happen from time to time especially with young birds. Whenever I've gotten them, for some reason they have usually been floor eggs.

I would like to say I am getting used to the floor egg which mine are perfectly fine no wrinkles but it annoys the heck out of me when they have 4 perfectly good nest boxes to lay in.
The problem is that all 4 hens like to lay their egg in the exact same box. Once in a while I find them in the other boxes but usually if that 1 box is taken for to long I get
a floor egg =( . I'm kind of grumpy with one of my girls she can't decide if she is going to go broody or not so she will spend the entire day in that 1 box on 1 or 2 eggs then
decide by evening it's enough. Which leaves me with a floor egg =(. I'm just glad that when they choose the floor that it is in a nice clean corner not under the roosts. =)
crazy little girls...sigh....
Done my research and I'm glad to say I can have my chickens in Saint Joseph. YAAY!!! I am going to go get chicks Tuesday. Couldn't get them Saturday cuz orschelns was out. New batch Tuesday hehe gonna be there bright and early for first picks. So excited. :)
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Thanks MrB.

I got the onions, radishes, spinach and snow peas planted yesterday and got a look at my fruit trees after the freeze of Friday night. The pear trees are loaded with blossoms and none of them look black at this point. I'll have to wait until they are open and check the hearts for damage. Those Asian pears are the best you could ever eat and each fruit is as big as a softball. I'd hate to see a crop lost the second year in a row.

On a funnier note. I was in the utility room yesterday and one of the chicks gave out a very adult sounding 'bawk' alarm call that made me laugh. They grow up so fast. Already the BO roosters are starting to show little red wattles and the hens are trying to boss me around when I clean out their pen and feed. I've never had Buffs before and I am really enjoying watching them grow. I also have one little Welsummer that is doing the is she a he or a she bit with me. She is supposed to be a she but the chest feathers are coming in really dark and her comb is growing faster than the others. I think she is going to be a 'won't know until she crows' type of bird.

My dad was a die hard Cubs fan. He would just pitch a hissy fit if he knew I was now living happily in Cardinal/Royals country!
Thanks MrB.

I got the onions, radishes, spinach and snow peas planted yesterday and got a look at my fruit trees after the freeze of Friday night. The pear trees are loaded with blossoms and none of them look black at this point. I'll have to wait until they are open and check the hearts for damage. Those Asian pears are the best you could ever eat and each fruit is as big as a softball. I'd hate to see a crop lost the second year in a row.

On a funnier note. I was in the utility room yesterday and one of the chicks gave out a very adult sounding 'bawk' alarm call that made me laugh. They grow up so fast. Already the BO roosters are starting to show little red wattles and the hens are trying to boss me around when I clean out their pen and feed. I've never had Buffs before and I am really enjoying watching them grow. I also have one little Welsummer that is doing the is she a he or a she bit with me. She is supposed to be a she but the chest feathers are coming in really dark and her comb is growing faster than the others. I think she is going to be a 'won't know until she crows' type of bird.

My dad was a die hard Cubs fan. He would just pitch a hissy fit if he knew I was now living happily in Cardinal/Royals country!
awesome microchick. We got 3 rows each 60 ft long of peas and 1 same Le goth spinach plus 10 watermelon hills plants and 8 cantelope hills planted yesterday. Just waiting on right time for banana peppers, green beans, sweet corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, bell peppers and a few other things. :) planning on peach and apple trees as well as grapevines as well :)

Sidenote: GO ROYALS. hehe
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Microchick, Happy 8TH Hope you have many more ! Cherry trees looking good and got the garden in today. We got some rain, but it's been so dry it wasn't enough to stop the planting of tomatoes or bell peppers. My 4 chicks are 4 days old and doing fine. The older girls are laying good and Royals baseball starts Monday life is good. Oh, Lady K, I see CC responded back to ya, Best of luck
We didn't get as cold as the forecast the other night. Instead of 30, it only got down to 34 so all the fruit is safe here.

I lived in KC 2 different times in my life. It's good to see the Royals doing so well.

I would like to say I am getting used to the floor egg which mine are perfectly fine no wrinkles but it annoys the heck out of me when they have 4 perfectly good nest boxes to lay in.
The problem is that all 4 hens like to lay their egg in the exact same box. Once in a while I find them in the other boxes but usually if that 1 box is taken for to long I get
a floor egg =( . I'm kind of grumpy with one of my girls she can't decide if she is going to go broody or not so she will spend the entire day in that 1 box on 1 or 2 eggs then
decide by evening it's enough. Which leaves me with a floor egg =(. I'm just glad that when they choose the floor that it is in a nice clean corner not under the roosts. =)
crazy little girls...sigh....
I have one coop that usually has 10 layers in it with 4 boxes and they only use 1 or 2. Sometimes 2 will get in the same nest at the same time. I've even seen 3 in the nest together. Another coop with up to 15 birds has 3 nests. They use 1. The other units for smaller groups have 1 or 2 nests. I don't look in all of them often and hate finding a floor egg because I don't always know how long it's been there.

Done my research and I'm glad to say I can have my chickens in Saint Joseph. YAAY!!! I am going to go get chicks Tuesday. Couldn't get them Saturday cuz orschelns was out. New batch Tuesday hehe gonna be there bright and early for first picks. So excited.
That's great.

Thanks MrB.

I got the onions, radishes, spinach and snow peas planted yesterday and got a look at my fruit trees after the freeze of Friday night. The pear trees are loaded with blossoms and none of them look black at this point. I'll have to wait until they are open and check the hearts for damage. Those Asian pears are the best you could ever eat and each fruit is as big as a softball. I'd hate to see a crop lost the second year in a row.

On a funnier note. I was in the utility room yesterday and one of the chicks gave out a very adult sounding 'bawk' alarm call that made me laugh. They grow up so fast. Already the BO roosters are starting to show little red wattles and the hens are trying to boss me around when I clean out their pen and feed. I've never had Buffs before and I am really enjoying watching them grow. I also have one little Welsummer that is doing the is she a he or a she bit with me. She is supposed to be a she but the chest feathers are coming in really dark and her comb is growing faster than the others. I think she is going to be a 'won't know until she crows' type of bird.

My dad was a die hard Cubs fan. He would just pitch a hissy fit if he knew I was now living happily in Cardinal/Royals country!
We're supposed to get some rain this week so I have to get some planting done. That means I have to put up some more fencing around the beds the chickens have been foraging in.

For the better part of the last hundred years, it was better to be a Cardinal fan than a Cub fan. Go Royals/Go Cards.

There was a great joke when the Cardinals moved into their new stadium a few years ago.
"What do the Cubs and Cardinals have in common? Neither one has won a World Series in their new stadium."

For those that don't know, the cubs play in the 99 year old Wrigley Field. That joke didn't even have legs for one year since the Cardinals won the World Series the first year in their new Busch Stadium.
We didn't get as cold as the forecast the other night. Instead of 30, it only got down to 34 so all the fruit is safe here.

I lived in KC 2 different times in my life. It's good to see the Royals doing so well.

I have one coop that usually has 10 layers in it with 4 boxes and they only use 1 or 2. Sometimes 2 will get in the same nest at the same time. I've even seen 3 in the nest together. Another coop with up to 15 birds has 3 nests. They use 1. The other units for smaller groups have 1 or 2 nests. I don't look in all of them often and hate finding a floor egg because I don't always know how long it's been there.

That's great.

We're supposed to get some rain this week so I have to get some planting done. That means I have to put up some more fencing around the beds the chickens have been foraging in.

For the better part of the last hundred years, it was better to be a Cardinal fan than a Cub fan. Go Royals/Go Cards.

There was a great joke when the Cardinals moved into their new stadium a few years ago.
"What do the Cubs and Cardinals have in common? Neither one has won a World Series in their new stadium."

For those that don't know, the cubs play in the 99 year old Wrigley Field. That joke didn't even have legs for one year since the Cardinals won the World Series the first year in their new Busch Stadium.
Yes, The cardinals have a top notch organization.
I remember the summer before my dad passed away he was sitting in the living room watching the Cubs. As usual he was ranting, grumbling and cursing at the tv, trying to bring down the wrath of God Almighty on the heads of the poor beleaguered Cubs. When I asked him what was the matter he swore and said that they were down by two runs and the 'bleeping' pitcher and the 'bleeping' ref and the 'bleeping' catcher didn't know what they were doing. I went about my business and some time later he called me back into the living room and asked me to change the station. 'Game over?' I asked him. He told me no, but he didn't want to watch it anymore because the Cubs were leading by 3.

Moral of the story? The Cubs are more fun to watch when they are loosing, at least they were for my dad.

Just a reminder I like to put out to all this time of the year. It's tick season again. Please remember to douse yourself with your chemical of choice when you are out and about. Lyme and other tick born illnesses are real and not fun to deal with if you happen to get bit by a carrier tick. I know. I was diagnosed with Lyme in 2010 and it has left me with probably permanent neurological problems that I will have to deal with for the rest of my life. So be safe and take care to check yourself for the little blood suckers if you are out in tall grass or timber.

And remember, Chickens and Guineas love ticks.
I would like to say I am getting used to the floor egg which mine are perfectly fine no wrinkles but it annoys the heck out of me when they have 4 perfectly good nest boxes to lay in.
The problem is that all 4 hens like to lay their egg in the exact same box. Once in a while I find them in the other boxes but usually if that 1 box is taken for to long I get
a floor egg =( . I'm kind of grumpy with one of my girls she can't decide if she is going to go broody or not so she will spend the entire day in that 1 box on 1 or 2 eggs then
decide by evening it's enough. Which leaves me with a floor egg =(. I'm just glad that when they choose the floor that it is in a nice clean corner not under the roosts. =)
crazy little girls...sigh....:cd

I think everyone. When building wants to put in one nest box per hen but they do like to use the same one so less is ok.Nice to have one though Some of mine dont. If they are the only girl I just put lot of straw in they build a nest.Tractor or small coop though.
I remember the summer before my dad passed away he was sitting in the living room watching the Cubs. As usual he was ranting, grumbling and cursing at the tv, trying to bring down the wrath of God Almighty on the heads of the poor beleaguered Cubs. When I asked him what was the matter he swore and said that they were down by two runs and the 'bleeping' pitcher and the 'bleeping' ref and the 'bleeping' catcher didn't know what they were doing. I went about my business and some time later he called me back into the living room and asked me to change the station. 'Game over?' I asked him. He told me no, but he didn't want to watch it anymore because the Cubs were leading by 3.

Moral of the story? The Cubs are more fun to watch when they are loosing, at least they were for my dad.

Just a reminder I like to put out to all this time of the year. It's tick season again. Please remember to douse yourself with your chemical of choice when you are out and about. Lyme and other tick born illnesses are real and not fun to deal with if you happen to get bit by a carrier tick. I know. I was diagnosed with Lyme in 2010 and it has left me with probably permanent neurological problems that I will have to deal with for the rest of my life. So be safe and take care to check yourself for the little blood suckers if you are out in tall grass or timber.

And remember, Chickens and Guineas love ticks.

Yes, The Chiggers are not good too. I think they are the Official Missouri Bug

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