calling any one from missouri

cool here, upper thirties the past 3 nights or so I think, but no frost, been bringing my pepper and tomato plants in at night, don't have them planted out as yet, but the lettuce and onions doing fine. South central MO my eggs in lockdown, added water to all the channels, humidity only 38%....praying things go well....Marans eggs so not able to candle very well...but no smell....


Have you tried adding wet sponges to help increase your humidity?
Yes, he is one of 8 I own, I bred, raised and trained him myself, tho I have not ridden in a couple years, I plan to get back to it this year! He is foundation appaloosa, as are they all, except for one mule.
This weather sux!

It was 29 degrees for three hours here this morning. I lost a dozen garden plants that were covered and I've had to keep a heat lamp on our 6 wk old flock at night. We had wrapped our blooming semi dwarf orchard trees in anything we could find, including blankets and I'm hoping they survived. I saw bees working the blossoms this afterrnoon.

Still the Brooder Bunch was able to get out this afternoon for some serious scratchin and peckin so hopefully things will settle down and we can get back to spring.

How were the temps elsewhere in MO?

There was a chance of frost Thursday night/Friday morning so I went out and covered my tomato plants with A little straw ( all 270 of them) Went down in the morning and had 31 degrees and dew. Very close. All plants survived I guess.
Wow maddawg that's a lot of tomatoes. We got down to 40' but not long enough to harm any of my garden here in southern MO
Yeah I cut back this year, I had 350 plants last year. I live In a little town POP. about 1000, but pretty close to HWY 47. I set up a veggie stand at the end of my driveway and sell produce on it based on the honor system. I have signs out on the HWY pointing to my house. I have plenty of good customers that come back year after year And look forward to my stuff

I need a bigger stand!.

August 26th I picked,155lbs
. But a lot of them were not quiet ripe yet. They were starting to split and there was some bug infestation.

August 30th I picked 261 LBS!

That was when they peeked. it fell off quickly from there.

What people don't buy I can. And I guess now that I have chickens, I know what I am going to do with all the seeds and skins from that.
Can chickens eat too much tomatoes? I know I cant!
I had one tomato plant i started last October from seeds from my last beefsteak tomato i was eating.. Grew great all winter..was about 18 inches high when I planted it night before frost warning .Iguess was too cold here that night south Mo..dang thing shriveled up leaves black.Im so discusted but maybe the lower stem will put out more. time will tell .
My niece is wanting to do show chickens for her County fair...does anybody know of any breeders that would have speckled Sussex, orpington, or silver/golden laced wyandotte that are show quality

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