calling any one from missouri

Hi everyone!
I haven't been on Backyard Chickens for quite awhile-so I thought I'd pop in and see what's going on with fellow Missouri chicken people. I live in Kansas City and I've had my chickens for four years now. I started out with nine-now five. I started out with 5 Golden Comets, but 4 have died :(.
I now have-
1 Golden Comet
2 Easter Eggers
2 Buff Orpingtons
The two Easter Eggers are the only two still laying, pretty much everyday.
So, just thought I'd say hi. :)
Hi farmer in K.C. I'm not far from you. I'm in southeastern Jackson county. I have 4 rhode island reds and 3 buff orpingtons. I had 4 buffs but one passed away about a week ago. It's nice to meet you.
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Hi! I am near the K.C. area. I wish I had found you all sooner because I started another thread looking for MO. folks. Glad I found you.
glad you found us as well =)
Hi everyone!
I haven't been on Backyard Chickens for quite awhile-so I thought I'd pop in and see what's going on with fellow Missouri chicken people. I live in Kansas City and I've had my chickens for four years now. I started out with nine-now five. I started out with 5 Golden Comets, but 4 have died :(.
I now have-
1 Golden Comet
2 Easter Eggers
2 Buff Orpingtons
The two Easter Eggers are the only two still laying, pretty much everyday.
So, just thought I'd say hi. :)
5 is awesome! It is sad when we lose one of our precious little chickens but I'm always thankful for what we didn't lose.

Welcome back to the byc!!
hi from the soggy area north of KC, slug fest here as the creatures emerge from the shadows to driveway (not sure why).
might have some hatch today as my last nine eggs are on day 21, now the guessing game of how many pullets.
good luck on your hatch
I have about 40 of my eggs and 30 of a friend's Slow Food meat project due to hatch Monday.

It's amazing how much rain you've gotten. Basically everywhere from Columbia westward. Luckily we've just had enough rain that we didn't have to water the garden.
Good morning from S. E. Jackson county. OMG it's raining again. At this rate I may need to get my girls some galoshes.
It's like we have a dome of dry air over us and all the storms either dry up before they get here or blow by so fast we get very little out of them.
I can't imagine how dry we would be if ya'll hadn't been getting so much rain.

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