calling any one from missouri

Snorkels! I laughed out loud. Can you just picture chickens running around with swim fins and snorkels. Too funny!
So how about them storms? I don't know about you all but we have been experiencing what I think would be described best as monsoon season!! Either way we finally got out predator problem under control (a couple of possums and raccoons but our culprit? A rogue cat that lives in the Forrest!!!!! Not a small thing either) anyways, we got a surprise after months of desperately pep talking our girls- we got our first eggs!!!
Congrats on the first eggs, we should be getting ours soon too. We picked our first chicks up Feb. first. by my math, anywhere from mid to late June.

Yes the rain keeps coming. Looks like I had about 3 inches in the last 14 hours and says rain for another 12 hours. But I will take it. My garden needed some rain, But not that much. And it wont make job at work any easier. I will be walking in mud for a few days next week.
I've had enough rain for a while. I container garden and I've had to pour off water from one pot and cover with a tarp another to try and keep my tomatoes and such from drowning. At least I don't have to drag the hose around.

Anyone going to Jacob's Cave this week?
I'm going early Friday morning hoping to be back by the afternoon. I have a bunch of Black Penedesenca chicks to deliver.

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