calling any one from missouri

I'm getting plenty of eggs!!
Yup, it is raining real steadily here as I type. It has been all morning. I have a black soda bottle shaped recycling container that I set out Tuesday evening, by Wednesday morning it was full to the top with rain water ( some of which is pouring from the over worked gutters!)

I feel bad for my chickens, they can either stay inside their coops or wonder out into mud. I've even tried throwing down branches & shavings to try to get them something drier & up out of the mud to walk on, but it has all been to no avail. Everything sinks down into the mud after less than a day.

Pretty soon they are going to start thinking they are ducks!!
Try spreading a bale of straw. It will be wet but not muddy.

I have tarps to try to keep an area dry but I live on a hill and the rain is running down hill and making mud in the run anyway. The only dry spot is in the dust bath wading pool. The rain will eventually stop.

I only have one coop with a covered run. The rest of them open to the weather but there are lots of trees and all but one are elevated so they can go underneath.

I live on a hill also & have the same problem. I am seriously thinking about trying to put in a "dry creek" so that when it rains the water will just follow the "creek" and hopefully leave most of the yard just wet instead of totally saturated.
I have a rain garden. It's a creek running to a pond that carries all the water from the roof. The first 20 feet has a rubber bottom covered with rock. So that gets a lot of water away from the foundation. But when the tiny pond overflows it runs to the low end of the yard.
Doesn't matter now. Everything is saturated.

wait! exactly what is this mowing thing? I mean I have one of those rider things I use to pull the cart that carries all the feed and water for the chickens. I know it has a blade thing...but I also know I can't put that blade thing down because our yard isn't much more then a shallow river in most places. The rest of it has tall grass...You mean this isn't normal?

On another is so dismal the girls are slowing down on egg production =( seems that no sun equals out to no eggs or less than 4. I'm told July is going to be very dry and hot. BUT I live in Missouri the "show me state"!

It is normal here. I need to get more chickens out to eat it all down.
I have 3 broodies of 17 hens so that has cut back on production a bit.
I have pullets that just hit 5 months so they should start up soon and another 60 chicks of various ages.
By September or October, I should be getting plenty of eggs when the older girls are molting.
Anyone in the southern half have silver penciled wyandottes?
Schiereck Poultry North of Springfield near Stockton has silver penciled bantams and silver laced LF.
I need clarification if anyone knows the answer: is Missouri boarder closed to all poultry coming in or going out?
I would very much like to order some eggs to hatch but not if I'm not supposed to.
thank you for any info you might have.
wait! exactly what is this mowing thing? I mean I have one of those rider things I use to pull the cart that carries all the feed and water for the chickens. I know it has a blade thing...but I also know I can't put that blade thing down because our yard isn't much more then a shallow river in most places. The rest of it has tall grass...You mean this isn't normal?

On another is so dismal the girls are slowing down on egg production =( seems that no sun equals out to no eggs or less than 4. I'm told July is going to be very dry and hot. BUT I live in Missouri the "show me state"!

Our lawnmower blade stopped turning in the middle of a mowing session. Hubby can't figure out why (checked for loose wires, obstructions, etc) and someone else has borrowed our trailer (that's a grrrr story for another time) so we can't get it hauled into a repair shop. Luckily we had another friend that brought his lawn mower and got the bulk of our lawn cut down. Right now, I think a lawnmower would get stuck in the mud. LOL

It's been strangely low here too with the egg production. I work in a school so my egg buyers are less during the high production time of summer so I'm not complaining but it worries me that when school starts back up in fall and everyone wants eggs again, that I won't have eggs for everyone, esp. winter.

I need clarification if anyone knows the answer: is Missouri boarder closed to all poultry coming in or going out?
I would very much like to order some eggs to hatch but not if I'm not supposed to.
thank you for any info you might have.

I think I saw something to that effect...was it here? Either that or the MO facebook group I'm on. Swaps are still going on, poultry shows are still going on, but no interstate travel.

I don't know about eggs but MO borders have been closed to importation of poultry for the last month and until further notice.
Also, IL, IN, WV, SC. KS. WI and IA.
anyone know how the government double checks when they get a positive on an A.I. test, so they don't kill five million chickens when the test results in a "false positive". I have not trusted the government since Nixon.

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