calling any one from missouri

Wasn't that 40 days and nights. I think this will only be 4.

I had been digging a trench with help from son and his friend for running electric from a building with electric to one of the coops. 110 feet 18" deep through boulders and roots. It was done a the day before Thanksgiving. Then spent the day at the in-laws. I got home in time to clean the gutters before dark and then had to run the 1" conduit under lights but got it glued up a couple hours before the rain hit. Now to pull the wire, install fixtures and then run conduit to the next building. The circulated water system is in the next building so I need to do a lot more work in the next week.
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Anyone else feel the need to build an ark?
yes. A very dry fall then four inches in a day last week, and it has been raining since Thursday afternoon for how much more. At least it is not ice. I do need to get a tractor in to get rid of the cow build up since it is not running down hill well, andI now have a lake between the house and the barn. We need rain, but I wish it was more spread out. Oh well, my fields and pond needed it so I guess I should just thank the Lord for the moisture.

Hey mo folks! Had a dog attack my flock. Ol floppy here lived and we found her today with missing feathers and skin on her backside and tail well what's left of her tail. Sorry the pic is graphic. How should I treat her wounds?? She seems to be getting around ok so I think it is just topical.
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Hey mo folks! Had a dog attack my flock. Ol floppy here lived and we found her today with missing feathers and skin on her backside and tail well what's left of her tail. Sorry the pic is graphic. How should I treat her wounds?? She seems to be getting around ok so I think it is just topical.
I would wash it with soap & water, put antibiotic on it & keep her separated from the rest of the flock. I would also keep her warm & somewhat confined. I've had a couple that were tore up by the neck & crop area and were able to heal up just fine.
Oh that looks awful. I hope she heals and that you did not loose too many. Loose dogs can be such a menace especially if there are several of them looking for trouble.
If you go to your local farm supply store they might have a spray call Nixall wound and skin solution. It works remarkably well at preventing infection and speeding the healing process. It's also available online at
I'm not a salesman for them, but I've seen it work on cattle. It works on all livestock.
I would wash it with soap & water, put antibiotic on it & keep her separated from the rest of the flock. I would also keep her warm & somewhat confined. I've had a couple that were tore up by the neck & crop area and were able to heal up just fine.
Soap may be good if it is really dirty.
I first flush with saline solution.
If you catch it immediately you can use hydrogen peroxide to clean it. Don't use HP after the first day as it will kill the new cell growth.
Then coat the wound with betadine.
Not a necessary step but I then use Campho-Phenique which also relieves some pain.
Then an eye type triple-antibiotic ointment. The reason for the eye type is that it seeps deep into the wound because it melts at body temperature.

Do the above daily and some baby aspirin crushed in the water can help relieve pain.

Oh that looks awful. I hope she heals and that you did not loose too many. Loose dogs can be such a menace especially if there are several of them looking for trouble.

Dogs don't get a pass here. Dogs harassing the flocks either get captured for animal control or shot on sight if I can't catch them.

Missouri law allows for livestock owners to kill any dog 'worrying' their livestock and even allows to track that dog across the state to kill it wherever it is found unless it is in confinement on its owners property.

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