calling any one from missouri

Mine were the same with the feed at first. It about a week for my older birds to accept the new feed. I didn't give in though. Didn't offer anything on the side and didn't feed them scraps or anything else. They would either eat it or go hungry. They're also free ranged so I knew they wouldn't go completely hungry and would scavenge more from the land if they had to. But by the end of the week they were faithfully waiting by the feeder morning and night for their feedings. All flocks are different though so you have to do what you feel is right for you and the flock. All chicks are started immediately with the fermented feed from day one of hatch. It doesn't take them any time to figure out where their sustenance comes from.
I wish mine would be a little more enthusiastic about it. I had planned to give it to them on the side as they do not free range due to predator load around us.

Maybe I will try it again and offer it to them as a wet mash flavoring it with some meat broth and meat scraps. If I can get them to eat it then I can slowly withdraw the broth and meat. I'd really like for them to get the probiotics and trace vitamins that they need, especially with breeding season coming around in 4 months.
Good on you for giving it another try! Never thought about putting broth in my feed but that sounds like a good idea. Another thing you can try is top dressing the fermented feed with their dry. A thin layer just enough to hide the ferment underneatg. They'll peck away and get a mouthful of the ferment. They may just keep going if they see more dry to get at on the top.
Just FYI, going to put two Narragansett hens on the STL Craigslist tomorrow. They're supersweet ladies and were intended as pets--raised mixed in with chickens, guineas, ducks, geese, and goats. Unfortunately I need to downsize. Posting here in hopes to attract someone who might not want them for Thanksgiving dinner, but either way they have to go. They were purchased as poults in May of this year, so will be laying eggs come spring. They are used to foraging during the day (will follow you around trilling for cherry tomatoes if you're working in the garden) and usually coop up at night when the evening fermented feed is served.

Planning on taking pics and posting tomorrow mid-morningish. Or if you think you might be interested before then, you can PM me.
Hey everyone!

Looking to see where everyone goes to get their feed?

I found a small locally owned feed store that I can get 50# 22% MFA gamebird grower for 11.99 and 50# crimped oats for $11.99. Their 50# 20% MFA egg maker is $10.99. They've got the best prices I've found but I only know of 3 stores around here selling feed including Orschelns. I can't find anywhere that sells barley. I'm always on the lookout for cheaper great quality feed. I'm interested in trying my hand at my own mixes if it ends up cheaper [not likely] but also looking for separate grains to augment premixed feed. Anyone know where I might find a feed/grain mill around Mid MO?
Sorry to come to the convo late (been busy week and next week will be too) but I buy my feed at Jefferson City MFA 50# Layer's Pellets for less than $9 per bag. I agree, best prices in town at the MFA vs. Tractor Supply or Orschlen's
Sorry to come to the convo late (been busy week and next week will be too) but I buy my feed at Jefferson City MFA 50# Layer's Pellets for less than $9 per bag.  I agree, best prices in town at the MFA vs. Tractor Supply or Orschlen's

I appreciate the info! I might have to take the truck up to JC some day and load up. I'll call aged to get some pricing. I'm pretty sure there's one in Lebanon too. I'll be calling both places because I'm almost right between the two. XD
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Joplin area peeps, poultry swap tomorrow.....and temps are forecast of be above freezing....
Anyone looking for cockerels? I have an EE cockerel [BCMxTrue Ameraucana], Blue Copper Marans, Black True Ameraucana, Splash Ameraucana which unfortunately is muffless.

Edit to add: they will be 16 weeks old on Tuesday. The EE just started crowing this last week.
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