calling any one from missouri

Typical, MO weather put a crimp in my coop progress. Dang hard for me to breathe outside. I love summer but this asthma takes control and says inside in the AC. UGGG. Chicks are growing like crazy.
Chickjoy, hope a buddy helps your little polish. They are so cute with the topknot.
I now have the 3 month old Polish in a cage with the 2 six week old Bantams, in the coop. They get along great! Real pleased.
Now if I could just find a place for the 3 Bantam cockerels - one Porcelain d'uccle, 1 mille de fleur d'uccle and 1 black Cochin with the frizzled gene...I put on Craigslist yesterday but haven't gotten any response. Given one of my neighbors a few eggs now
Terrific that they are getting along! Good luck on your craig's list post. Again hauling dirt to get the coop site level. 70's so far this morning but 95% humidity and 110+ heat indexes this afternoon. A few more bags of dirt then haul out the hardware cloth to cut and get in place around the perimeter. Then time to get the foundation bricks laid. Glad only 80"s tomorrow. Stay safe everyone in these storms rolling though here and there. Life and weather has slowed my progress.
Terrific that they are getting along! Good luck on your craig's list post. Again hauling dirt to get the coop site level. 70's so far this morning but 95% humidity and 110+ heat indexes this afternoon. A few more bags of dirt then haul out the hardware cloth to cut and get in place around the perimeter. Then time to get the foundation bricks laid. Glad only 80"s tomorrow. Stay safe everyone in these storms rolling though here and there. Life and weather has slowed my progress.

Glad to hear that you are getting to work on your cop some.. I agree, it sure has been hot! How are you enjoying your chicks? Are you going to name any of them? Only a few of mine have names, mainly the ones I can identify. LOL, so many of mine look the same. I have 3 buff orpingtons that I can't tell apart. That's lucky for 1 of them. 1 keeps going to my neighbors yard and poops on his hay bales. I think she may also be laying her egg over there. Anyway, he has asked me to make her stop. I have put up more, smaller wire fencing to try to block her path over there, but I have still seen her outside of our fence (although I haven't seen her in his yard again). I'm too the point of being ready to butcher her if she won't stay in our area.
Karen, lots of breaks, on the last wheel barrow full of dirt bags, hope I don't need more.

Don't know why animals seem to have favorite spots away from home. ;) Had a bity dog who I had to stop letting him loose in the front yard, he would go to my neighbors and pee on her plants. Did not make her happy. He didn't go anywhere else.

Chicks are Sassy (the Australorp) as she has an attitude, Roxy (barred rock), the EE's are Jenny and Tillie. They tend to stretch their necks up to listen but not crazy about being held yet. Though they have been picked up a lot. The EE's seem to be vying for head hen so hysterical to watch, Sassy and Roxy braver with sampling treats. Well back to making a bit of progress before it gets too dang hot.
Looks like south MO is getting pounded with the storm that went through here last night. Not sure how much will get done on the foundation today as 2 nights of several inches of rain each has made for a muddy mess with the new dirt.
I think means a trip to Menards this am for more framing timers and metal connectors and start framing the walls that will be hoisted into place. These frames will have to be painted as I go along as they will have remain outside until I can assemble the coop and anyway the roof will be the last addition, I don't have help until summer league baseball is over.

Here is a corner of the site with some of the predator screening. 1/2 inch hardware cloth with welded wire rabbit fencing over it. I hate coons.
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Ours hit at night but no coop yet so they are safe in a basement room.

Taking a short break and back to cutting 2x4's then time to paint them with one coat and try to get at least one wall put together today. Changed my plan just a little so I can construct the walls and slide them into the 4x4 post frame once I get the floor joists and floor in. Uses a few more 2x4's but in purusing plan after plan on here it looks like it would be easier for me doing most of this with no help. My original plan was to build from the 4x4 corner posts as wall supports.

Break is over back to work.

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